Plans for JINR’s participation in the International Linear Collider Project G.Shirkov, JINR for Particle Physics PAC 26 th meeting, November 23-24
Energy – need to reach at least 500 GeV CM as a start Luminosity – need to reach 10^34 level Linear Collider – two main challenges
How to get Luminosity To increase probability of direct e + e - collisions (luminosity) and birth of new particles, beam sizes at IP must be very small E.g., ILC beam sizes just before collision (500GeV CM): 500 * 5 * nanometers (x y z) Vertical size is smallest
ILC Parameters Parameter range established to allow for operational optimization
Schematic of the ILC (Vancouver, July 2006) e - (e + ) source and delivery system Damping Ring(s) Ring(s) To Main Linac (RTML system) Main Linac (ML) Beam Delivery System (BDS) Beam Dump (BD)
Beam Delivery System Requirements: –Focus beams down to very small spot sizes –Collect out-going disrupted beam and transport to the dump –Collimate the incoming beams to limit beam halo –Provide diagnostics and optimize the system and determine the luminosity spectrum for the detector –Switch between IPs
ILC Power Consumption ~ 330MW Sub-Systems 60MW Main Linacs 140MW Cryogenics: 50MW RF: 90MW 65% 78% 60% Beam 22MW Injectors Damping rings Auxiliaries BDS
Definitions ICFA - International Committee for Future Accelerators FALC - Funding Agencies for the Linear Collider ILCSC - International Linear Collider Steering Committee GDE - Global Design Effort RDB - Research and Development Board CCB - Change Control Board DCB - Design Cost Board CFS - Conventional Facilities and Siting BCD - Baseline Configuration Document RDR - Reference Design Report TDR - Technical Design Report WBS - Work Breakdown Structure International Organization
Global Design Effort
International Linear Collider Timeline Global Design EffortProject Baseline configuration (BCD) Reference Design (RDR) ILC R&D Program Technical Design (TDR) Expression of Interest to Host International Mgmt
From BCD to RDR Baseline Configuration Document BCD: - under preparation since finished editing in December submitted in Bangalore GDE Meeting (March 2006) and officially published Reference Design Report (RDR): - started discussion in at GDE Bangalore and European GDE (DESY) – 2006; - first assembly and edition GDE (Vancouver, July 2006); - the requirement from GDE Directorate and FALC to reduce cost by 30% by next GDE meeting in Valencia; - very active work inside ILC workgroups and interactions on design modification (August-November 2006); - RDR contents submitted in Valencia; No any changes after December, 1, Editor board has to complete RDR by January - GDE Beijing (February 2007) – official electronic version (pdf and via web) - Printed official RDR by June 2007
Main retained Cost Saving Design Options : Reductions in Diameter of all Tunnels to 4.5 m (except DR Tunnel increased from 4.0 to 4.5 m) One big Detector Hall, not Two. Two Mobile Detectors “Push-Pull” as an Alternative. One damping Ring Tunnel only, Central Location. Suppression of Shaft and cavern 8+9. Reduction in Size of Base Shaft Caverns (except DR and Detectors) Reduction in Number and Size of Surface Buildings From Vancouver to Valencia 288’170 m 3 Vancouver Valencia 4 181’429 m 3 Savings37% Total Number of Shafts 587’984 m 3 Vancouver Valencia ’429 m 3 Savings21% Total Number of Caverns and Alcoves 2’410’913 m 3 Vancouver Valencia 88.9 km 73.1 km 1’643’895 m 3 Savings32% Length of Tunnels PP 137’304 m 3 Vancouver Valencia ’867 m 3 Savings32% Total Number of Buildings
RDR MBCCB 2 14mr IRs supported central injectorssupported Removal of service tunnelrejected conventional e+ sourcerejected RF unit modifications (24 26 cav/klys) supportedsubmitted reduced RF in DR (6 9mm z ) supportedin prep DR race-track lattice (CFS)supportedin prep reduced static cryo overheadsupportedin prep removal linac RF overheadsupportedin prep single-stage bunch compressorrejected e- source: common pre-acceleratorsupportedin prep Design Changes Under Consideration
New scheme of the ILC (from Vancouver to Valencia) e - (e + ) source and delivery system Damping Ring(s) Ring(s) To Main Linac (RTML system) Main Linac (ML) Beam Delivery System (BDS) Beam Dump (BD)
Longitudinal Section EUROPEAN SAMPLE SITE - CERN
EUROPEAN SAMPLE SITE - DESY Longitudinal Section
ASIAN SAMPLE SITE Longitudinal Section
AMERICAS SAMPLE SITE Longitudinal Section
For baseline, developing deep underground (~100 m) layout with 4-5 m diameter tunnels spaced by 5 m. ILC Tunnel Layout
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia International Intergovernmental Organization ILC siting and conventional facilities in Dubna region
Advantages of the ILC construction in Dubna: 1.The presence of JINR as a basic scientific and organizational structure. JINR is an international intergovernmental organization, which includes 18 Member States and 4 States, which are associated members. 2.The proposed territory is extremely thinly populated and practically free of industrial structures, rivers and roads. The proposed placement of the accelerator tunnels in relatively dry drift clay excludes the influence on abyssal distribution of the underwater. 3.The area is absolutely steady seismically and has stable geological characteristics. 4.A flat relief and the unique geological conditions allow one to place ILC on a small depth (about 20 m) and to perform construction of tunnels, experimental halls and other underground objects with the least expenses, including open working. 5.The extremely attractive feature of placing the ILC complex on the chosen territory is a unique opportunity to solve the problem of value at the purchase of land. Prevalent legal practice makes it possible to get the land of the ILC location to permanent free use just as it has been done for JINR, according to the agreement between JINR and the RF government.
6. There are sources of the electric power of sufficient capacity in the area of the ILC construction: transmission line of 500 kV, the Konakovo electric power station (EPS) and the Udomlia atomic power plant (APP). 7. The developed system of transport and communication services, advantageous location, good highways and railways, water-way (the Volga river basin), good position in the European region; 8. Presence of a modern network and information infrastructure, including one of the largest center in Europe the “Dubna” Satellite Communication Center. 9. A special the economic zone established in Dubna in December, 2005 provides preferential terms for development and manufacture of high technology technical production. 10. Dubna has a powerful scientific and technical potential. The developed infrastructure makes it possible to involve additionally specialists from world scientific centers into the already formed international collective of highly- qualified scientific manpower providing comfortable conditions for them to work. This guarantees a high quality of investigations on ILC and obtaining of new research results of fundamental scientific importance.
In front: Russian Satellite Communications Center In the back ground: the starting point of ILC layout, between Dubna and Volga rivers
Dubna Siting: Layout of ILC in the Moscow Region Moscow region Tver region
Area and Climate There are no any national parks, biological reservations, any religious and historical places an the planned area. There are no new projects planned to develop on the allocated territory. It possible to avoid purchasing land and get the development area for free use without time-limit; like that has been done for the international intergovernmental organization the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research by the existing agreement between the JINR and the Government of the Russian Federation. The area is thinly populated, the path of the accelerator traverses 2 small settlements and a railway with light traffic between Taldom and Kimry. Possible “line” crosses only the railway to Savelovo (of low utilization) and the River Hotcha with a very small flow rate. The climate is temperate-continental. The mean temperature in January is –10.7 С. The mean temperature in July is С. The mean annual rainfall is 783 mm. The mean wind speed is 3.2 m/s. Strong winds (15 m/s) blow only 8 days/year. According to the climatic parameters, the territory of Dubna is considered to be comfortable.
The area of the proposed location of the accelerator is situated within the Upper Volga lowland. The characteristic feature of this territory is the uniformity, monolithic character of the surface. The existing rises of the relief in the form of single hills and ridges have smoothed shapes, soft outlines and small excesses. The territory of the area is waterlogged. The absolute marks of the surface range from 125 to 135 m with regard to the level of the Baltic Sea. The difference of surface marks is in the range of 10 m only on the base of 50 km. Relief
The ILC linear accelerator is proposed to be placed in the drift clay at the depth of 20 m (at the mark of m) with the idea that below the tunnel there should be impermeable soil preventing from the underlying groundwater inrush. It is possible to construct tunnels of the accelerating complex using tunnel shields with a simultaneous wall timbering by tubing or falsework concreting. Standard tunnel shields in the drift clay provide for daily speed of the drilling progress specified by the Project of the accelerator (it is needed for tunnel approximately 2.5 y’s).
The area of the proposed location of the accelerator is situated within the Russian plate – a part of the Eastern European ancient platform – a stable, steady structural element of the earth’s crust. The Russian plate, like all the other plates, has a well-defined double-tier structure. The lower tier or structural floor is formed by the ancient – lower Proterozoic and Archaean strata of metamorphic and abyssal rocks, which are more than 1.7 billion of years old. All these strata are welded into a single tough body – the foundation of the platform. The area of the ILC accelerator is located in the southern part of a very gently sloping saucer-shaped structure – the Moscovian syneclise. Alluvial deposits i.e. fine water-saturated sands, 1-5 m of thickness. Below one can find semisolid drift clay of the Moscovian glaciation with exception of detritus and igneous rocks. The thickness of moraine deposits is m. Geology
Power and energetic The northern part of Moscow region and the neighboring regions have a developed system of objects of generation and transmission of electrical energy. There are first-rate generating stations: the Konakovo EPS (electric power station, ~30 km from Dubna) and the Udomlia APP (atomic power plant, ~100 km from Dubna). Two trunk transmission lines with the voltage 220 kV and 500 kV pass through the territory of Dubna. The investigation of possibilities of the power supply for the accelerator and its infrastructure with the total power up to 300 MW gives the following variant: Construction of the power line kV, 35÷40 km long, directly from the center of generation – the Konakovo EPS to the Central Experimental Zone of the accelerator with a head step-down substations 220/110 kV. It will require the investment in larger amount but the cost of power obtained directly from the centers of generation will be lower for 40÷50 % (from 0.05$ per 1kWh down to $ per 1kWh in prices of 2006).
Chronology of JINR in ILC December 2005 – GDE in Frascati – A.N. Sissakian with first proposals from JINR to be involved into global accelerator project and Dubna siting; January 2006 – a special workgroup on ILC was created at JINR January 2006 – JINR Scientific Council encourages JINR to be involved in the ILC design effort and supports the intention of JINR to participate in the ILC project and the possible interest of JINR to host the ILC March 2006 – JINR Committee of Plenipotentiaries approved SC recommendation; March 2006 – visit of European GDE director Prof. B.Foster to Dubna; May 2006 – European GDE in DESY - Detailed information from JINR as from sample site; July 2006 – GDE in Vancouver – Documentation from JINR to BCD with RSPI estimation on CFS (Site Assessment Matrix); November 2006 – GDE in Valencia – Documentation from JINR to RDR with new RSPI estimation on CFS (Work Breakdown Structure) officially submitted. Participation of JINR representative in a GDE Directorate round table; JINR (Dubna) is officially approved by GDE Director as sample site for ILC hosting. RDR will include information about Dubna sample site. Detailed Cost Estimation on subsystems from JINR will be in TDR.
Prof. A.Wagner at LINAC-800 In Frascati Prof. B.Foster in Dubna Round table in Valencia
Documentation and Cost Estimation Russian State Project Institute (RSPI, Moscow) Official document from Russian State Project Institute (RSPI, Moscow) with estimations on: Conventional facilities cost Siting (tunnel, land acquisition) cost and time schedule Energetic and power cost Operational cost Labor cost July 2006 (for Vancouver GDE): JINR prepared and filled the necessary documents for possible ILC hosting to BCD (Conventional Facilities part), so called Site Assessment Matrix. The overall value on consolidated estimated calculations in the prices of year 2006 for civil engineering work, underground and surface objects of the main construction gives the sum in order of 2,3 B$, including 1 B$ of costs of the tunnels construction for linear accelerator, all its technological systems and mines. Cost of power supply objects which will provide electric power directly from generator sources with special (favorable) cost of energy (tariff) is of order of 170 M$. November 2006 (for Valencia GDE): JINR prepared and filled the necessary documents as a sample site for possible ILC hosting to RDR (Work Breakdown Structure - WBS) – in a special required format with all the details on infrastructure parts. This document was also prepared with RSPI and submitted by Design Cost Board of GDE.
Preparation of proposals for JINR participation in design, manufacturing and testing of the Linear Collider element prototypes Theme leaders: A.N. Sissakian G.D. Shirkov Period: Expected results in 2007: -Preparation of works of JINR; - Participation in estimations and design of ILC elements
Structure JINR participation in ILC Accelerator physics & techniques Detectors Particle Physics Detector concepts R&D Experiments &Tests Program for new physics & experiments R&D Test facilities Infrastructure Siting Safety Scientific Council of JINR ( ): encourages JINR to be involved in the ILC design effort and to invest appropriate resources in scientific and technological developments to support its ability to play a leading role in the ILC project; supports the intention of JINR to participate actively in the ILC project and the possible interest of JINR to host the ILC JINR Committee of Plenipotentiaries approved this recommendation on
PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS FOR JINR PARTICIPATION IN DESIGN, MANUFACTURING AND TESTING OF THE LINEAR COLLIDER ELEMENT PROTOTYPES Theme leaders:A.N. Sissakian, G.D. Shirkov Participating countries and international organizations: Byelorussia, Germany, Italy, Russia, USA, Japan, Ukraine, Greece. Problem and the main goal of investigation: Preparation of proposals for JINR participation in the development of International Linear Collider (ILC). Expected results at completion phase of theme or projects: Fulfillment of scientific research and design construction works (SR&DCW) in physics and techniques of accelerators, in precision laser metrology and preparation of proposals for the project of JINR participation in international collaboration on the ILC construction. Accelerator theme
Authors: JINRN.N.Agapov, N.I. Balalykin, Yu.A.Budagov, S.B.Vorozhtsov, Yu.N. Denisov, L.N.Zaitsev, V.V. Kobets, Yu.V.Korotaev, I.N. Meshkov, V.F. Minashkin, N.A. Morozov, B.Sabirov, A.O. Sidorin, A.I. Sidorov, A.N. Sissakian, A.V. Smirnov, G.A. Shelkov, E.M.Syresin, G.D. Shirkov., N.A. Tokareva, G.V. Trubnikov, S.I. Tutunnikov, Yu.A.Usov, Yu.P. Filippov, D.I. Khubua, BINP SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia) P.V. Logachev IAP RAS (N.Novgorod, Russia) A.M. Sergeev GSPI (Moscow, Russia) N.I. Delov RNC KI, Inst. of crystallography (Moscow Russia)M.V. Kovalchuk DESY (Hamburg, Zeuten)A.Wagner, U. Gensh KEK (Tsukuba, Japan)K.Yakoya, J.Urakawa INFN (Italy)G.Bellettini, F.Bedeschi, S.Guiducci Athenes University (Greece)N.Zhiokaris
Preparation of proposals for JINR participation in the development of International Linear Collider (ILC): 1.Carrying out Scientific Research & Disign Construction Works (SR&DCW) and elaboration of conceptual project of the ILC injection complex with an electron source on the base of photocathode and control laser system. 2. Preliminary development of the projects for the LINAC-800 based test-bench for testing the RF accelerating cavities by means of electron beam with the energy up to 800 MeV, and for diagnostic tools for beam parameters and transportation channels of the ILC units. Development of the requirements specification for Free Electron Laser (FEL) design on the base of photo-injector and LINAC Performing of SR&DCW aimed to conceptual development of high-precision metrological laser complex with extensive coordinate axis up to 20 km. 4. Participation in development and design of cryogenic modules for acceleration system of the linear accelerator: development of the outline engineering specifications for manufacturing of the first prototype of cryostats of the 4th generation for the ILC. Elaboration of technical documentation for industrial mass production of the cryogenic modules. Preparation of the project of a hardware- software complex intended for multiparameter diagnostics of the cryogenic modules at JINR.
5. Elaboration of the project documentation for development of an industrial base at JINR including the hardware-software complex for cryogenic ensuring of the cryomodule prototype studies and for product testing at extensive manufacturing. 6. Theoretical investigation of the electron beam dynamics in transportation channels using the application program packages; calculation of electrical and magnetic fields of complex and super-complex configurations in accelerating elements and systems of transportation and of e-/e+ beams formation. 7. Development of the project for complex studies of superconductive material radiation stability by usage of powerful γ, е, n beams. 8. Carrying out geological survey, geodetic researches and design developments aimed to give prove for possibility of the ILC location in Dubna area. 9. Carrying out calculation to estimate and choose the parameters of electromagnetic elements of the ILC damping rings (DR). Research and development of the projects for magnetic systems on the base of both superconducting and warm electromagnets and on the permanent ones. 10. Involvement of young scientists and specialists to the project fro JINR side.
Laboratory Person in charge at the Laboratory Key executors and number of participants Elaboration of photoinjector prototype (DLNP, LPP) Calculation of electron beam dynamics in the injector (DLNP) I.N. Meshkov, G.V. Trubnikov Meshkov I.N. + 8, Tyutyunnikov S.I., Kobets V.V The LINAC-800 based test-bench; FEL on the base of LINAC-800; photoinjector; Development of the RF system elements Development of diagnostic, Development of inside devices LPP, DLNP G.D. Shirkov, N.I. Balalykin, A.I. Sidorov E.M. Syresin N.I. Balalykin, Kobetz V.V. + 3, A.I.Sidorov + 2 E.M.Syresin + 4. Metrological laser complex DLNP, LIT Yu.A. Budagov, V.V.Ivanov D.I. Khubua, G.A. Shelkov Yu.A. Budagov, V.V. Ivanov + 1, D.I. Khubua+ 5, G.A.Shelkov + 5. Development of prototype of the 4 th generation cryogenic modules and testing systems for them (LPP, DLNP, VBLHE) Yu.P. Filippov, Yu.A. Usov, Yu.A. Budagov Yu.P. Filippov + 3. Yu.A. Usov + 3, S.V. Mironov Yu.A. Budagov, B. Sabirov Preparation of a production basis at JINR for cryogenic ensuring of testing of the 4 th generation cryogenic modules VBLHE, LPP, DLNP N.N. Agapov, Yu.P. Filippov, Yu.A. Usov, Yu.A.Budagov N.N. Agapov + 3, Yu.A. Usov + 3 Yu.P. Filippov + 3. Yu.A. Budagov, B. Sabirov + 3, S.V. Mironov, A.B.Lazarev + 3. Calculation of electrical and magnetic fields of complex configuration (DLNP) S.B. Vorozhtsov, G.V. Trubnikov V.B. Vorozhtsov + 3, G.V. Trubnikov + 2. Project of the complex for radiation stability studies (VBLHE) L.N. ZaitsevL.N. Zaitsev + 2. Engineering survey and design developments DLNP, OGE, GSPI Yu.N. Denisov, G.V. Trubnikov, V.I. Boiko Yu.N. Denisov + 5. G.V. Trubnikov, V.I. Boiko Development of magnetic systems of the ILC damping rings DLNP E.M. Syresin, N.A. Morozov E.M. Syresin + 3, N.A. Morozov + 2.
№Total sum Direct expenses for the project 1Network $ Design group (man/hours) Workshops (man/hours) Materials $ Equipment $ Cost of RD in frame of contracts $ Mission, including а) to non-rouble countries б) to cities of rouble-zone countries в) in frame of protocols $ $ $ $ Total direct expenses: $ Including: budget funding Non-budget funding $ $ Expenses Schedule for the Theme: Form № 29
Expected result upon the theme completion: commission the electron injector prototype based on the electron gun with photocathode, operating in RF or DC mode, to obtain early results of experiments with photocathode, to develop and product the control laser system of a gun; commission the test bench with electron beam based on the LINAC-800, to take part in design and construction of the FEL prototype based on LINAC-800 and photo injector; complete SR&DCW and construct a full-scale project of the 4th generation cryomodules. To start preparation of JINR industrial base for diagnostic and cryogenic supply of prototypes and products of mass industry; perform calculation to choose parameters of the of electromagnetic elements for Damping Rings (DR), to determine technical specification, to construct and test prototypes of some elements of the DR optic structure; prepare the project of hardware-software system for studying of radiation stability of superconducting materials; complete TDR on the working version of LMC. To complete TDR for design and construction of the full-scale precision LMC; complete SR&DCW and to develop the project on civil engineer works for construction and sitting ILC complex in Dubna region.
LHE ground Machinery Hall # 2: Possible place for location of the Test Bench for experiments on superconducting RF cavities. Adv: Large hall, Power supply, Water supply, very close to systems for liquid Helium and other cryogenics
LNP ground Building 118 Location of constructed LINAC-800. Test of RF accelerator sections and cryo modules LINAC with super- conducting RF cavity (power,water,... LINAC-800 – first electron beam on
LNP ground Building 108 (LEPTA project) 2 experimental Halls (water, power, …) Test Bench for Photo Injector