The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Electric Power Electricity Supply Enterprise Eastern Shan State Office Priorities and Detailed Description of Electrification Plan For Eastern Shan State Dated -21.Oct.2015
*The following facts are agreement after discussion with Chief Minister (Local government) - -to be priority the villages having along 11kV Distribution Line from Nump Wop Hydro Power Station, Nump Lutt Hydro Power Station, and Mae Pan Hydro Power Station. -to be priority two villages in Tachileik Township is electrified by 22kV Line from Thailand. - to be priority houses in villages is located along the road. So that this village need two distribution transformers and long 11kV distribution line. - We explained the villagers for 400 V distribution line, it built by village plan. *The Minister would like to be electrified many village are electrified by National Grid. Some village are electrified by small hydro power station in Eastern Shan Stage within short term. As Per DE Idea after discussion with Local government 2
NoDistrict No. of Village To be Electrifi ed No of Hou se Hou se hold Pop u latio n To be constructed Estim at ed cost (Mil Kyate s) Task by regional Cost for 11 kV Line11/0.4 kV Transformer 400 V Lines (Miles ) Estim at-ed cost (Mil Kyate s) Mile Materi al Cost Transp o-rt Cost Constr uc tion Cost TotalKVANo Materi - al Cost Transp ort Cost Const r- uction Cost Total 1Keng Tung Mong Hsat Total Electrification Plan for Eastern Shan, District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) 3
No Distric t No. of Village To be Electrifi ed No of Hou se Hou se hold Pop u latio n To be constructed Estim at ed cost (Mil Kyate s) Task by regional Cost for 22 kV Line22/0.4 kV Transformer 400 V Lines (Miles ) Estim ated cost (Mil Kyate s) Mile Materi al Cost Transp ort Cost Constr uc tion Cost Total KV A No Materi al Cost Transpo rt Cost Const ruc tion Cost Total 1 Tachile ik Total Electrification Plan for Eastern Shan, District (Within 2 miles from Existing 22 kV Distribution Line) 4
Electrification Plan for Villages of Eastern Shan State (Within 2 miles from Existing 22 & 11 kV Distribution Line) To be Constructed 22kV Distribution Line 1.55 miles 11 kV Distribution Line 14.8 miles 400 V Distribution Line miles 11/0.4 kV Distribution Transformer 19 Nos 22/0.4 kV Distribution Transformer 2 Nos Mong Hsat District No. of Villages - 7 Nos Household Estimated Cost (mil kyats) Keng Tung District No. of Villages - 11 Nos Household Estimated Cost (mil kyats) Tachi leik District No. of Villages - 2 Nos Household - 93 Estimated Cost (mil kyats) Eastern Shan State No. of Villages - 20 Nos Household Estimated Cost (mil kyats) Laos China Thailand 5
Existing 11 kV Toll gate feeder Location Map of Electrification Plan for Keng Tung District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) To be Constructed 11 kV Distribution Line 7.75 miles 400 V Distribution Line 9.23 miles 11/0.4 kV Distribution Transformer 11 Nos Keng Tung Township No. of Villages - 11 Nos Household Estimated Cost (mil kyats) 6
Mong Sat District No. of Villages - 7 Nos Household Estimated Cost (mil kyats) To be Constructed 11 kV Distribution Line 7 miles 400 V Distribution Line 8.25 miles 11/0.4 kV Distribution Transformer 8 Nos Location Map of Electrification Plan for Mong Hsat District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) 7
Location Map of Electrification Plan for Tachileik District (Within 2 miles from Existing 22 kV Distribution Line) Tachi Leik District No. of Villages - 2 Nos Household - 93 Estimated Cost (mil kyats) To be Constructed 22 kV Distribution Line 0.55 miles 400 V Distribution Line 0.93 miles 22/0.4 kV Distribution Transformer 2 Nos 8
The Statement of Fiscal Yearly Budget and Electrified Connection for Eastern Shan State NoFiscal Year State/Region Capital Budget for ESE (mil Kyats) State/Region Capital Budget for DRD(mil Kyats) Electrified Connection ON GirdOff Grid Total Cost for 11kV Line & 11/0.4TR Total Cost for 400 V Line TotalOff Grid Village (Nos) Consum er (Nos) Village (Nos) Consum er (Nos) Estimate(BE+RE) Estimate(BE+RE) Budjet Estimate(BE) Grand Total
Main Materials List Transported to Keng Tung District Office Sr.N o DescriptionQuantities Estimated Amount (Mil USD) Transported Site 1 11/0.4 kV Distribution Transformer 11 Nos Keng Tung District, PMO Office 2.10 meter Concrete Pole226 Nos Keng Tung District, PMO Office 3.ACSR 95mm Ton Keng Tung District, PMO Office 4.11kV Disc Insulators153 Nos Keng Tung District, PMO Office 5.11kV Pin Insulators660 Nos Keng Tung District, PMO Office 6. Surge arresters, Disconnectors, Fuses 11 Sets Keng Tung District, PMO Office 7.Other Material1 Lot Keng Tung District, PMO Office 10
Main Materials List Transported to Mong Hsat District Office Sr No Description Quantiti es Estimated Amount (Mil USD) Transported Site 1 11/0.4 kV Distribution Transformer 8 Nos Mong Hsat District, PMO Office 2.10 meter Concrete Pole198 Nos Mong Hsat District, PMO Office 3.ACSR 95mm Ton Mong Hsat District, PMO Office 4.11kV Disc Insulators129 Nos Mong Hsat District, PMO Office 5.11kV Pin Insulators588 Nos Mong Hsat District, PMO Office 6. Surge arresters, Disconnectors, Fuses 7 Sets Mong Hsat District, PMO Office 7.Other Material1 Lot Mong Hsat District, PMO Office 11
Main Materials List Transported to Tachileik District Office Sr No DescriptionQuantities Estimated Amount (Mil USD) Transported Site 1 11/0.4 kV Distribution Transformer 2 Nos Tachileik District, PMO Office 2.10 meter Concrete Pole44 Nos Tachileik District, PMO Office 3.ACSR 95mm Ton Tachileik District, PMO Office 4.11kV Disc Insulators15 Nos Tachileik District, PMO Office 5.11kV Pin Insulators54 Nos Tachileik District, PMO Office 6. Surge arresters, Disconnectors, Fuses 2 Sets Tachileik District, PMO Office 7.Other Material1 Lot Tachileik District, PMO Office 12