Accepted 1. I am accepted in the righteous one I am adopted through God's beloved Son And I am thankful for all that he has done My Lord Jesus died for me 2. I am forgiven by his precious blood And I am ransomed and brought back to God So I will praise him for his mighty love My Lord Jesus set me free
Accepted 3. And I am waiting for that day to dawn When in his mercy he will take us home Because in that day when his kingdom comes I will see him face to face 4. So I will serve him with my every breath And I will follow all the way to death For when he comes back he will raise my flesh
Accepted And I'll never die again 5. Sing Hallelujah to the King of kings And to the Father let our praises ring For in the Spirit we'll forever sing Of all our God has done for us <p style="text-align: right;">© 2000 Rob Smith