Better life in Motherland. Борисовская Татьяна Ученица 9 класса МБОУ: Рябичевская средняя общеобразовательная школа
Motherland… This word have a big importance in the life of every person. It is a place where you were born, where you grew up, where you got up mind and where you live now.
Motherland is a small corner of the world, so dear and beloved, the place from which you do not want to leave, but if it also had to leave, you want to go back there again and again.
Really, better life in Motherland, because everything is so familiar. Every blade, every home, every tree and every bench.
Every day more and more you know the world around you and life becomes more interesting. I cannot express love for my Motherland by words. It is in my heart. Of course everyone has their own Motherland. Our world is huge and there are so many people living in different parts of the world that are dear to them.
As for me, my Motherland in Russia, your Rostov region. It is famous for its size and interesting history. Russian people are very strong.
I was born in Rostov region. It is my little Motherland. I am happy, that I was born here. Our area is a beautiful countryside. There are many vast fields, steppes and forests. The great river Don flows there with twists and wide coast. On the coast of Don Cossacks live.
And many famous writers and poets were born in Rostov region: Chehov, Sholohov, Serafimovich, Zakrutkin, Kalinin and many others outstanding person.
I’m ready to spend all my life here, because this place is very expensive for me. All my life connected with my Motherland, the most beautiful in the word. I believe we need to be a patriot of his country. We need to love and protect the beauty of nature, it is pleasing to many generations of people.