Kingston Maurward College Dorchester 5 May 2006 WAgriCo - UK Project Launch
An overview Presented by Roger G Trengove UKWIR Project Manager (UK) The WAgriCo Project
The presentation: What is and Why WAgriCo? What are the Project Objectives? Who are Project Partners? What is the Project Funding? Where are the Project Catchments? Project time scale and how is it being delivered? The WAgriCo Project
Water Resources Management in Cooperation with Agriculture. What is WAgriCo? The full project title is:
Why do we need WAgriCo?
There are 5 primary project objectives: Demonstrate the use of participation approaches and technologies suitable for programme of measures to reduce diffuse pollution from agriculture and to promote sustainable water resources management. Demonstrate how the policy objectives of the 6th Environmental Action Programme can be achieved through co-operative action at the local river catchment and farm level. Project Objectives - 1
Show how Member State agricultural assistance programmes can be amended to aid the implementation of the (WFD) and that synergy effects can be used to increase cost-efficiency in water resources protection. Show the links between policy, action and the achievement of EQS objectives with a focus on integrating water resources management objectives in agricultural assistance programmes across the EU. Assess of the costs associated with the implementation of the required measures. Project Objectives - 2
In Germany there are 6 partners including NLWKN the overall project leader. In the UK there are 5 partners. In addition there are also 2 co-financiers: Lower Saxony State Government Defra Project Partners This is a European collaborative project with partners in Germany and the UK:
Local farming community and stakeholders. UK Partners
UK - Management Structure Project Manager (UKWIR) UK Steering Group UKWIR/EA/ADAS/WW/NFU International Steering Group Germany/UK Catchment Modelling (EA/WW) Data Management (ADAS/WW) Catchment Coordination/Advice (ADAS/WW/NFU/EA) Monitoring Support (ADAS/WW) Local Stakeholder Group Specialist Advisers (EA/ADAS/NFU/ Farmers) Specialist Advisers (Economic/ Web) Individual Farmers UKWIR Mike Farrimond Director Mike Pocock WaterUK Client Manager
Local Stakeholder Group Catchment Sensitive Farming Officer Dorset Wildlife Trust English Nature Environment Agency – Local Office Environmental Health Officers Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group Farmers WAgriCo Project Partners Others?
The overall project budget is circa €6.9m (£4.7m). The budget contributions are made up thus: Germany €2.1m (£1.43m) UK€1.35m (£0.92m) EC Life Fund€3.45m (£2.35m) Of the total, the UK has a budget of €2.8m (£1.99m) Project Funding
There are two primary catchment locations: Germany – Lower Saxony UK – South Dorset Project Catchments - 1
Germany – Lower Saxony: Elbe Weser Ems Project Catchment - 2
Project Catchment - 3
UK – South Dorset: Frome Piddle Wey Project Catchment - 4
Project Catchment - 5
Project Catchment - 6 Land Use - Frome and Piddle catchments
The project is programmed to run over the next 3 year period commencing 1 October 2005 There are 10 primary tasks to deliver the project outputs and each task has its own objectives, activities and milestones Project Delivery
There are 6 expected outputs: Dissemination of best practice approaches and promotion for the replication of the WAgriCo approaches in other EU Member States. Production of a “tool-box of actions” for use by farmers and water managers. Proposals for programmes of water protective measures that can be integrated in agro- environmental programmes. Expected Outputs - 1
Cost assessments for large-scale programmes of water protective measures. A data resource including a detailed web site, farmers focussed publications, pilot demonstration farms and catchments, farmers’ champions. A demonstration of how a systematic approach to multi-sector collaboration can link policy and local action to improve water quality. Expected Outputs - 2
The project should support the concept of the Catchment Sensitive Farming Initiative to deliver Sustainable Water Resource Management. …..and finally
Thank you