WU2 - Proton Source & LEBT Schedule 2013 L. Celona Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali del Sud
WP6 Schedule
Proton source design complete (minor revisions possible) Low Energy Beam Transfer Line base design completed. Integration with Beam Diagnostics (B. Cheymol) in progress. Funds available since beginning of December Procurement phase just started (year-end administration closing procedures…) Site for IS+LEBT testing in preparation layout already fixed water, energy, dry compressed air, already present General status of IS&LEBT
2013 IS&LEBT Schedule
SCC tests are expected to be carried out at CEA-IRFU in May-June 2013 Status Design chopper complete Orders in progress Integration into CEA-IRFU beamline in progress
2013 IS Schedule HV platform and ancillaries General mehanicsVCS, Meccanotecnica Riesi, CINEL InsulatorsCheck needed! Insulating transformerGuth Ion source body (11 months) Magnetic system (Specs. in prep.) SigmaPhi Plasma chamber & mechanics (electrodes, flanges, supports…) Microwaves and RF diagnostics (9 months) Magnetron + Automatic Tuning UnitSairem Directional coupler + WindowATM, Apollo MW, CMT Waveguide transformerVCS, Meccanotecnica Riesi, CINEL Power probesRohde&Schwartz Gas box (4 months) Mass Flow Controller and ancillariesBronkhorst, PFEIFFER HV Power supplies (Specs. in prep.) FUG
HV platform layout 7
Proton source 8 Based on knowledge acquired with TRIPS, SILHI and VIS high intensity proton sources KEYFACTS Flexible magnetic system to optimize the magnetic field profile and explore the possibility of operations with Bernstein wave excitationFlexible magnetic system to optimize the magnetic field profile and explore the possibility of operations with Bernstein wave excitation Four electrodes extraction systemFour electrodes extraction system
Flexible Magnetic field 9
10 1."Simple mirror"; 2."Magnetic Beach" 3."Off- Resonance configurati on" InjMedExt Simple mirror Off resonance Mag. Beach
2013 LEBT Schedule Solenoids & Steerers (Specs. in prep.) SigmaPhi Power suppliesTDKLambda Pumping system and ancillariesPFEIFFER Chopper + ElectronicsMisc. Beam stopVCS,Mecc.Riesi Computer controlTBD with COSYLAB Diagnostics Interaction with B. Cheymol for the integration of the beam instrumentation in the LEBT. Cheymol estimation is mid 2014
LEBT layout 12 TBD
Last but not least… #1 Researcher & #1 Technician (2 years each one) Procedure to start selections just submitted to INFN Board – Conclusion expected for May # 1 Research grant. (2 years) Procedure already fnished – Final approval is excpected in December from INFN board