The status of RF components G. Riddone, M. Filippova RF development meeting on
The aim of the meeting: to clarify priorities and milestones of supplying the RF components. Projects: TBTS, TBL, KEK, SLAC, Stand-alone test stand, PSI, Trieste/Elettra RF components: Loads Phase shifters Attenuators Hybrids Splitters Directional couplers WR 90 (E/H) bends RF flanges (SLAC design) RF flanges (CERN design) The status of RF components
Photos of RF components RF flanges HP load Splitter Directional coupler Hybrid Phase shifter Attenuator RF components
TBTS NRF componentsTBTS P1TBTS P2.1TBTS P2.2Total TBTS 1Loads2237 2Phase shifter1 1 3Attenuator11 2 4Splitter 224 5Directional coupler23 5 6WR90/H-Bends12TBC 7WR90/E-Bends610TBC 8SLAC RF flanges - male1525TBC 9SLAC RF flanges - female1725TBC Phase 2.1 difference with respect to Phase 1 Phase 2.2 difference with respect to Phase 2.1 Phase 2.1 is under installation Already supplied
TBL For 1 PETS (L = 0.8 m) -1 directional coupler (DC) - 2 loads (L) Also contribution from CEA/Saclay
Stand-alone test stand in CTFII F-Cup+Isolator Concrete block girder ACC pump Pump Tee load coupler Circular WG Mode converter WG valve 0.5 m coupler load The 12 GHz Test Stand activity was split in two steps: Step 1: XL5 Klystron testing at SLAC (RF components were supplied at SLAC in December 2009) Step 2: Accelerating structure testing without and with pulse compressor
Stand-alone test stand in CTFII ABCD Max(A,B)+C ComponentsSymbol Quantity for klystron testing at SLAC (step 1) Quantity for Test Stand with Pulse Compressor (Step 2) Spare Redundancy for preparation of 2 additional structures in parallel TOTAL Directional coupler WR90DC RF Load WR90RFL TE 10 □ to TE 01 ○ mode converterMC RF valveRFV Hybrid TeeHT SLED1 overmoded (GYCOM) Circular pumping port Φ50 or 38 mm TBD Rectangular pumping port WR90 TBD Straight rectangular waveguide WR90 TBD H bend rectangular waveguide WR90 TBD E bend rectangular waveguide WR90 TBD NEW! Splitter1 1 Already supplied The information was taken from “12 GHz RF components meeting – 8 April 2009”
X-Band system – PSI Layout ITEMQtyStatus Bidirectional coupler5To be supplied HP Load3To be supplied Power splitter2To be supplied WR90 for wg network20mTo be supplied E-Bend4To be supplied H-Bend12To be supplied Flanges60 (30m + 30f)To be supplied Pumpout ports9In house production WR90 for pumping port2mAlready delivered Flanges for measurements8 (4m + 4f)Already delivered Proposed strategy: Receive components as soon as they are available! FLANGES have high priority and should be sent a.s.a.p.
X-band WG circuit layout (Trieste/Elettra ) NRF componentsneedssparetotal 1WR Fx113.0 M (H BAND)4TBC4 2WR Fx181.2 F (H BAND)2TBC2 3Power splitter (X-BAND T)1TBC1 4WR90 directional coupler3TBC3 5WR90 load2TBC2 6Gasket WR9050TBC50
The status of RF components
Loads - 10 from CINEL (in 2 month, in the worst case by the end of April 2010) – we asked to double the production rate - two machines will run in parallel Directional couplers - 5 from COBHAM (delivery time of the prototype - June 2010, series - 11 Sep 2010) - 1 from NIHON KOSHUHA (delivery time - 5 July 2010) - 16 from ? (we have asked the price enquiry) - production line also started with China, IHEP Flanges male from SLAC female from SLAC We have just received them
Conclusions New components will have to be ordered: Loads RF flanges WGs WR90 H/E bends Dates when the components will be needed have to be confirmed