DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 1 DEBR Meeting, Prague, 30th Oct 2008 Electronic Administration & Reengineering: the French Experience & questions for the European Project Denis Besnainou, DGME, France
DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 2 I. Reengineering methodology in France
DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 3 A workshop consists of a minimum of 3 meetings 1 Objectives Participants 1. With the exception of certain workshops. Meeting 1 “Presentation of measures and identification of ways to achieve simplification” Meeting 2 “Estimated gains and draft action plans” Meeting 3 “Estimated costs of the introduction and drafting of action plans” Approximately 10 participants: MRCA contacts Trade or craft contacts Companies DGME/CGEFI/Consultants Approximately 10 participants: MRCA contacts Trade or craft contacts Companies DGME/CGEFI/Consultants Experts in “means to an end” (lawyer, SI) depending on the selected means Approximately 10 participants: MRCA contacts Trade or craft contacts DGME/CGEFI/Consultants Experts in “means to an end” (lawyer, SI) depending on the selected means No companies Identification of possible ways to achieve simplification, set out as scenarios Estimation of the likely date for the introduction of the scenarios Decision on the relevance or otherwise of continuing with the workshop for all IOs Estimation of the potential gains per scenario Selection of an introduction scenario based on the following criteria: impact (potential gain, cost of introduction), technical and political feasibility Decision on the relevance or otherwise of continuing with the workshop for all the IOs Calculation of the cost of introduction (initial and ongoing expenses) Drafting of a timetable for completion Decision on whether to submit the action plan to the ministry for validation
DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 4 Meeting 1: Identification of ways to achieve simplification ToolsDescription Elimination of a requirement Proposed elimination of obsolete or unused requirements Reduction in volume Reduced frequency of IOs Reduction in the number of forms Adaptation of thresholds “Paperless” user procedures Online availability of forms Online procedures, online declarations Sharing of data Sharing between various departments of information already forwarded by companies Elimination of the need to provide information already known to departments Pre-filling of forms Redesign of administrative procedures Elimination of one player or one stage during consideration of the procedure Introduction of file instruction tools for managers Automated transmission of payment orders Electronic document management / Sharing of electronic documents Infocentre Optimisation of lead-times Departmental commitments to “contractual” lead-times Reduced lead-times Introduction of tacit decision-making Improvements to communication Simplification of the administrative language used Guide to Good Practices / User’s Guide Communication about the existence of the procedure Communication with users on the progress of their applications Main tools for simplification:
DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 5 Meeting 2: Estimate of gross annual savings For each IO, choice of the tools used to estimate costs depending on the method of simplification If necessary, distinction between the initial cost and the ongoing cost (a n ) - For each IO, specific 1 improvement in cost per task depending on the method of simplification used Extrapolation, on a national level, of the volume that could be affected by the simplification method Annual cost of the requirement Total average cost per item National volume Unit cost government department Unit cost company Frequency Number of companies + x x Internal time Hourly cost External service x + Internal time Hourly cost External service x + Main cost-cutting toolsKey: Reminder of the method used to calculate the cost of an IO and the main cost-cutting tools The cost-cutting tools mainly impact on the following: Time spent Hourly cost Cost of external services Volume Frequency Number of companies Re-engineering modifies the various tools and reduces IO costs Estimated gross annual savings = Current cost – Cost of simplified IO Introduction costs
DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 6 Meeting 3: Estimate of introduction costs For each IO, choice of the tools used to estimate costs depending on the method of simplification If necessary, distinction between the initial cost and the ongoing cost (a n ) - Estimated gross annual savings = Current cost – Cost of simplified IO Introduction costs For each IO, specific 1 improvement in cost per task depending on the method of simplification used Extrapolation, on a national level, of the volume that could be affected by the simplification method Cost of drafting the law or regulation Cost of training Cost of communication Cost of information system Distinction between initial costs and ongoing costs Comparative analysis of similar projects Cost assessment tool Earlier reviews MRCA 1 measurement method Existing assessment if a project is already underway Type of simplification Estimation tools Introduction costs The cost structure differs depending on the effect of the method selected: Impact on information systems Impact on training Impact on communication 1. Time x hourly cost + external services The selected areas of simplification have various types of impact Various types of estimation tools are used to assess the impacts and estimate the introduction costs The hypotheses are validated and extended through meetings
DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 7 II. Electronic Administration in the Reengineering
DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 8 Major tools of electronic administration used in the reengineering Construction of electronic platforms for on-line declarations Electronic single points, where the data are shared by the administration, or used for the dialog between administration, citizens and enterprises Electronic maps, used for the localisation of areas All the ministries are concerned by these types of reengineering. Approximately 60% of gains achieved thanks to the use of these tools in the first two waves of the French AB project: € 358 M out of € 592 M
DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 9 Examples of actual action plans according to sectors Agriculture (a very active ministry; cf. ) Beginning farmers can apply for a special subsidy online Declaration of professional earnings, the transmission of data between farmers and the ministry and the fiscal administration (declaration of wages) are now electronic Consultation of the personal files by each farmer online Controls for the animal subsidies to the consultation of the availability of the subsidies, through an electronic website Working Conditions Declaration of important accidents in a 48 hours delay through electronic procedure, Security declarations through an electronic form Electronic declaration of seasonal workers Equipment Permits for the construction of roads indicated in electronic maps Declaration of works over a given amount Transportation permits : exceptional transport is declared through an electronic application – “TelNet”
DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 10 Estimated gains of some actual action plans involving electronic administration 240 M€ Public Works: when beginning work on roads, companies will be able to access the list of utility operators in electronic format and in an single access point 50 M€ Public tenders: companies will be able to access all the tenders on a single platform on which they will be able to submit their own electronic commercial tenders 8 M€ Agriculture: farmers will be able to complete a certain number of applications for grants and ex gratia payments online M€ Declaration of goods trading with EU countries: access to online declaration will become mandatory, assistance will be more effective and access to Customs & Excise nomenclature will be easier M€ Publication of legal notices: companies will be able to publish their legal information on a single electronic platform 20 M€ Defence: companies will be able to apply for accreditation online 20 M€ Water: work already carried out to allow for electronic communication (standard forms, online declaration of introduction scheduled for 2009) will be completed
DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 11 Examples of actual action plans Authorisation for exceptional transport Initial situation: For each département crossed by an exceptional transport vehicle, an operator must apply for authorisation for each département and obtain authorised routes Estimated overall cost: 33.3 million euros Target situation: By logging onto a website, a haulier can see the authorised routes and file a single application which will be sent to all the relevant départements Estimated target cost: 24.5 million euros/year, a 27% saving Authorisation to begin excavation work Initial situation: When carrying out earthworks, a company must contact the City Hall for a list of utilities companies (gas, water, electricity etc.) operating in the city then send each a request for technical specifications Estimated overall cost : 349 million euros/year Target situation: By logging onto a website, a company can obtain a list of utilities present and send out one request for information to all operators Estimated target cost: 111 million euros/year, a 68% saving
DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 12 III. Reengineering on the EU Level: What Coordination for the Exercise?
DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 13 How to organise reengineering in the EU? (1/2) The principle: a dynamic and open process, with a consultation of the regional level Origin of the Process Simplification proposals of the Consortium Simplification proposals of the member states Roles of the Commission and Member States in the discussion; through the contact between each DG and the Sectoral directorate of each member state allows: A better understanding, in every MS, of the challenges of the simplification Reaching a Consensus
DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 14 How to organise reengineering in the EU? (2/2) Consortium Member States Simplification proposals DGs Member States Simplification proposals Stoiber Group DG ENT Commission DGs How to channel consultation of Stakeholders? How to manage the two flows of simplification proposals (centralised/decentralised)? How to make use of national simplification programmes (nonPA)? Given the importance of electronic administration, how could we better coordinate national initiatives in this field?
DGME – MRCA Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens (MRCA) 15 Thank you for your attention! Denis Besnainou Chargé de mission Direction générale de la modernisation de l’État Bâtiment Sully, 64, allée de Bercy PARIS CEDEX 12, France Tél.: 0033.(0)