Internal Oversight Service UNESCO’s Decentralized Evaluation System Evaluation Office Internal Oversight Service UNESCO
Internal Oversight Service DECENTRALIZED EVALUATIONS (project level / national) DECENTRALIZED EVALUATIONS (programme / sub-regional or regional) CORPORATE (cross-cutting, programme, thematic, impact) System- wide, joint UN, JIU, partners IOS EO conducted strategic evaluations submitted to Executive Board Sector conducted evaluations submitted to donor Evaluation System in UNESCO
Internal Oversight Service Diagnostic of current state Context: UNESCO currently revising its Evaluation Policy provides unique opportunity System of decentralized evaluations recognized as weak (c.f. IEE and JIU findings) Limited inter-linkage between corporate/decentralized Lack of a corporate knowledge bank for evaluations Mixed performance for decentralized evaluations Poor resourcing for DE despite XB guidelines of 1% + Support requested on ad-hoc basis from IOS Evaluation Office Weak implementation of existing guidance 3
Internal Oversight Service Diagnostic of current state Use mostly for donor reporting but not for learning, organization- wide knowledge management or to influence design of new policies and programmes Mostly commissioned by those who designed the programme (independence issue) Absence of quality control mechanism affects credibility and utilization Lack of a consistent management response mechanism, follow-up and accountability on DE IOS EO annual report provides limited synthetic insight into evaluation results & use of DE 4
Internal Oversight Service Proposed new approach EO will develop DE plan with the Programme sectors; DE Plan is rolling, subject to change Programme sectors responsible for its implementation To strengthen Quality Assurance, the EO: - provides common framework (methodology and criteria) - provides guidance notes & training - releases funds for evaluation upon its approval of ToR - creates network of M&E focal points To strengthen use, EO: - conducts annual meta-evaluation of DE reports & annual synthesis reviews of completed DE - MR and action plans are mandatory & all DE reports publically available 5