Max Planck Albert Einstein Louis de BroglieWerner Heisenberg Modern Physics 20 th & 21 st century Niels Bohr Relativity Energy-Mass Equivalence Uncertainty Quantum Mechanics
The Standard Model of Matter Particle accelerators have revealed that there are a LOT more particles inside the atom than protons, neutrons and electrons The Large Hadron Collider (LHC ) in Switzerland is the most powerful accelerator in the world. It went online in Smashing particles together forces ousub-atomic particles we have never seen before.
A proton can loose an small positive particle (named a “pion”) and turn itself into a neutron, and vice versa Different size and charge particles get trapped in different size orbits when they enter the magnetic field of the detector.
Today’s scientists, unschooled in classical languages, are giving cute English names to particles ( “charm”, “up” and “strange”). These names, unfortunately, tell nothing about the particles actual behavior. A charge of 1/3 that of a proton or electron seems to be the minimum charge (so far). Some have mass, some don’t. Some have “spin” and “color”. These are mathematical properties however, and have little to do with how the particles actually look or behave.
Black Holes * were theorized from Einstein's theory of gravitation. * General relativity says gravity bends light and warps space and time. * Black holes are old, very dense, dead stars that attract like so strongly that nothing can escape their pull, not even light. * We think black holes may be at the center of many spinning galaxies, sucking stars in. * Time itself is radically altered near and in black holes.