Welcome to the Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy Open House 2013 Fourth Grade
Meet Miss Linning Education: North Central College in Naperville, IL o Teaching endorsements in math, general science, and physical science Enjoys reading, playing board games, and doing arts and crafts projects
Magnet Academy The purpose of the Magnet Academy is to “enrich and extend the district curriculum for students who need and will embrace that challenge” The elementary program (3-4) does this through: o Interdisciplinary themes and units o Integration of science topics into reading instruction o Hands-on experiences to take learning further o Additional instructional minutes dedicated to STEM activities, including special programs
Magnet Academy, continued Specials classes every 3 rd day all year o Art (Mrs. Gervais) o Music (Mrs. Huggins) o P.E. (Mr. Swanson) Encore classes meet in 12-week blocks o Horticulture (Mrs. Cartwright) o Digital Music (Mrs. Huggins) o Robotics (Mr. Trygar) Engineering & Technology time Science and Social Studies are taught every day
Our Class Schedule PeriodTimeClass 18:00 am – 8:44 amSocial Studies 28:47 am – 9:31 amEncore 39:34 am – 10:18 am Engineering & Technology 410:21 am – 11:05 amMath 511:08 am – 11:52 amLunch 611:55 am – 12:39 pmScience 712:42 pm – 1:26 pmSpecial 81:29 pm – 2:13 pmLiteracy 92:16 pm – 3:00 pmLiteracy
Core Subjects and Curriculum Literacy- ELA Common Core Units, Write Tools, Daily Language Instruction Mathematics - enVision Math (Pearson) Science – Science Fusion (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) Social Studies - Our Country’s Regions (Macmillan/McGraw-Hill) Engineering & Technology - Science Fusion (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Reading (Literacy) Types of Reading o Shared Reading o Read Aloud o Independent Reading While reading, we focus on: o Fluency o Accuracy o Comprehension o Expanding Vocabulary
Writing (Literacy) Good writing skills are critical both to students’ academic achievement and to their future success in society. We write to: o Respond to a text o Analyze a text o Explain our reasoning (extended response) o Convey information (informational) o Share personal experiences (personal narrative) o Persuade or share our point of view (opinion) o Entertain (narrative)
Mathematics Twenty Topics within the Fourth Grade book Each topic has about six or seven lessons. Our lessons are grouped around the following ideas: o Operations & Algebraic Thinking o Number & Operations in Base Ten o Number & Operations—Fractions o Measurement & Data o Geometry
8 Math Practices Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Science Quarter 1: In Home Rooms o Studying Science, Weather Quarters 2-4: Students will rotate to each teacher for 1 Quarter o Mrs. Gorski: Earth and Space Sciences, Life Sciences o Plants & Animals, Energy & Ecosystems, Earth & Space o Miss Linning: Physical Sciences o Energy, Electricity, Motion o Ms. Lipscomb: Chemical Sciences o Properties of Matter, Changes in Matter
Social Studies Geography of the United States o The Southwest, The Southeast, The Northeast, The Middle West, The Mountain States, The West History of the United States Illinois history State research projects Mystery state boxes
Engineering & Technology Engineering is one of the fastest-growing careers today with a growing number of job possibilities Students will have the opportunity to learn about and use a variety of technology: o laptops, SMART Boards, SMART Response, digital cameras, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel
Engineering & Technology Goals Define a problem that addresses a need or a want. Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem. Plan and carry out fair tests of a model or prototype that can be improved. Generate and compare multiple solutions that use patterns to transfer information. Use technology to communicate ideas and discoveries. Explain how technology is used in science for a variety of purposes Describe the effects on society of scientific and technological innovations Identify and explain ways that science and technology impact human life and the environment.
Homework Your laptop must come to school EVERY DAY and go home EVERY NIGHT. Thirty minutes of silent reading each night. Math homework (almost) every night. o Practice side is graded for accuracy o Enrichment side is an effort grade only Students may have assigned readings from our class book that they need to complete at home. There will be a variety projects to do at home. Students are expected to be responsible for their own homework.
Grading Homework is 30% of overall grade. Assessment is 50% of the overall grade. Classwork is 20% of the overall grade. Grading Scale: A 90%-100% B 80%-89.9% C 70%-79.9% D 60%-69.9% Late Policy: The grade drops by 10% every day it is late. After 5 days, the maximum a student could earn if he/she turned in the assignment is 50%
Contact Information o Preferred Contact is by School Phone Number: (630) Website: misslinningsclass.weebly.commisslinningsclass.weebly.com Students will be using Edmodo as a resource as well
Websites and Resources 8 Math Practices: o Next Generation Science Standards: o Math Textbook: o Science Textbook: o