Nuclear explosion
artsscience Chinese Maths EnglishBiology Chemistry Physics Geography History Politics What are arts subjects ?what are science subjects?
Why do you choose arts / science? I’m good/ poor at… I prefer … to… I’m into… I like/ dislike... I want to be My parents want me to… My dream is… Because
How can you make your dream come true? to… In order to be…, I have to…
great minds
Copernicus the Sun was the center of the universe and that the Earth had a triple motion around this center.
Galileo Galilei telescope law of motion father of modern astronomy father of modern physics father of science
Johannes Kepler first correctly explained planetary motion
Isaac Newton The Law of Gravity
Newton reflecting telescope
Great mind No 1: 1. This great mind ______. ● rockets ● agriculture ● gravity ● radioactivity ● outer space 2. The scientist ’ s name is similar to the English word curious, meaning _____. ● something not old ● something not short ● being interested in something devoted one’s mind to was on fire for
Madam Curie radium Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. uranium
Great mind No 2 : _______ 1. ● rockets ● agriculture ● gravity ● radioactivity ● outer space 2. The scientist ’ s name is similar to the English word for _____. ● something not old ● something not short ● b eing interested in something
Great mind No 3: ________ 1. What is this man known for ? ___________________________ 2. He wants to be called the _______. Why? listening modern rice farmer Long friendship with all the farmers in China
1.Edison was one of the greatest inventors and _____. A. business manager. B. mechanical engineer. C. industrial leader. 2. How many patents did he get ? A. 11. B. nearly C. nearly Most of the Edison's inventions were made in ___. A. his home. B. his factories. C. his laboratories
Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. Theory of Relativity Albert Einstein
uranium E=mc² nuclear muclear power station E=mc²
切尔诺贝利核灾难 挥之不去的恶梦
nuclear explosion Victim (受害者)
厂址北区厂址南区 厂址原貌 ( 北向南 ) 厂址原貌 ( 东向西 )
狮子山开挖 开挖 乌龟山开挖.jpg 应急大道
Debating Should a power station be built in Sanmen? useful expression That’s correct. It’s clear that… That’s true. I doubt that … Well, maybe, but … It’s hard to say. There is no doubt that… What’s your idea? Have you thought about …?
Homework Make a column ( 专栏 ) to introduce science, scientists and their quotes.