Fifth Grade Open House Discussion Opportunity Meeting… Hellgate Elementary September 10, 2013
School District Guarantee To Parents… 1.We will treat your child with respect, compassion, and understanding. 4.We will make certain that your child understand what is expected of him/her and how to measure accomplishment in meeting those expectations and get him/her help, if needed. 2.We will cover subject content as fully as possible. 3.We will begin and end lessons on time and select learning tasks resulting in high levels of success. 5.We will establish and follow simple, consistent rules regarding student behavior in the classroom and on the playground.
Help From Parents… 1.To discuss good study habits with your child and have your child practice those habits on a consistent basis. 4.To not hesitate to ask your child’s teacher, principal, or the superintendent for help when you have questions about things that are happening at school. 2.To provide a productive/positive environment at home for your child to do homework and then to make sure he/she does their homework. 5.To consider the value of academic learning time at school (being in school) when taking children out of school for any reason. 3.To make sure your child gets enough sleep and eats a healthy breakfast every day.
Help From Students… 1.His/her commitment to work with his/her teacher to effectively schedule his/her learning time. 3.His/her commitment to academically do the best he/she can in the classroom, each day, every day. 2.His/her commitment to schedule ample study time for school work that will be in balance with all his/her other outside activities. 4.His/her commitment to ask for and get help if he/she is experiencing difficulty in school and not succeeding. 5.His/her commitment to monitor individual behavior to eliminate distractions and misbehavior while in the classroom and/or on the playground.