Stocking Programs in North America Chapter 14
Warmwater Species Largemouth bass41 states Channel catfish35 states Bluegill29 states Striped X white bass hybrids26 states Smallmouth bass22 states
Coolwater Species >1 billion stocked per year 95% walleye Northern pike (mostly fry) Muskellunge Tiger muskellunge
Coldwater Species Trout, inland salmon 250 million/year 50% fingerlings, 33% catchables, 17% fry 122 million rainbow trout
Anadromous Species Pacific salmon Atlantic salmon Striped bass 900 million/year
Introductory Stocking Introductions of non-natives
Enhancement Stocking Maintenance - recruitment failure Supplemental - augment natural recruitment
Why Stock? Introduce new species (sport, commercial) Introduce new forage Biological control Start/maintain put- grow-take fishery Supplement year- class Satisfy public, political pressure
Why Stock? Mitigate “situation” Start/maintain put- take fishery Re-establish extirpated species Establish trophy fishery Increase angler satisfaction Redistribute fishing pressure
What Species? Purpose?
What Size? Cost-benefit analysis
What Number? Goal, demand
When, Where? Biology, survival, demand
What Quality? Genetics Parasites Physiology Handling
Overall Evaluation Is it worth the time and money?