Prevention and Early Intervention: A Mariposa County Collaboration Mental Health Services for Mariposa County Youth November 4, 2008
Background: Non-competitive MHSA funds for prevention and early intervention Application by December 31, 2008 Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) component of the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Building on past success: A collaborative program created for Mariposa County A Project Respect/SMILE community partnership
Project Respect Overview Project Respect is a community-wide project of the Mariposa County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council and Mariposa County Unified School District Project Respect has trained many in the school community with the Steps to Respect curriculum (teachers, students, parents, bus drivers, etc.) This proposal will support and expand the proven methods of Project Respect in Mariposa County
Project Respect Components To continue Project Respect in all Mariposa County schools we plan to use a combination of funding sources, including MHSA/PEI funds in 2009 and beyond Assessment and expansion of Project Respect services in 2-3 pilot community schools beginning March 1, 2009 Project Respect in both the Mariposa area and North County
Project Respect Budget Project Respect Proposal Training$33,400 Lead Teacher$4,000 Lead Coaches$28,080 Marketing$8,700 Evaluation$5,000 Total$79,180 Project Respect Funding MHSA PEI$40,000 California Delta$20,000 Other Sources$19,180 Total$79,180
S.M.I.L.E. S tep M entoring I ndividual L eadership E nrichment
SMILE: Mentoring in the Schools A new cross-age mentoring program After school hours experiences focused on discovering strengths in elementary and high school youth Focused on connecting elementary school protégés with teen mentors Targeted prevention/intervention partnership with teachers, school counselors, and education professionals Participative component for parent involvement in leadership development
Protégés : Referrals from staff within Mariposa County Unified School District’s established Student Study Team (SST) process SMILE staff will provide SST staff with indicators and parameters for referrals Protégés will be between the first (1st) and fifth (5th) grades Protégés will display a behavior that identifies the child as at risk of out of home placement, low academic performance, or curtailed social development
Teen Mentors: Trained & supervised by Children's System of Care SMILE staff Goal: Provide protégés with socialization, recreation, emotional support, and companionship Referred by a teacher, coach, principal, school counselor, community agency or community leader Mentors will be trained in SecondStep/Steps to Respect materials to ensure consistency of methodology through their mentoring relationships.
Leadership Mentors Leadership Mentors: Share expertise in an area of the protégé’s interest and link teen mentors and protégés to related community activity or organization Leadership mentors meet monthly with a SMILE team (CSOC staff, teen mentors and protégés). Adult leadership mentor background checks Thorough reference check Fingerprint clearance through the DOJ and FBI before assignment to a pairing of protégé and teen mentor
Key mentor features: Seek out the protégé’s natural talents and interests Self-realization and improved self-esteem for the protégé are important goals of the relationship Create a teen mentor & leadership mentor partnership to mediate identified at risk behavior while supporting individual talents and interests SMILE staff will supervise mentoring between teens and protégés at all times
Parent Participation: Parents of protégés will be invited to be a part of their child’s SMILE experience. Events will be held in community locations where the protégé’s work will be displayed. Parents will meet with both teen and leadership mentors and with SMILE staff Parent involvement will be encouraged though an orientation and open house events held in conjunction with Mariposa County Schools
Project SMILE Budget Project SMILE Proposal Staff$65,500 Mentor Stipends$9,000 Vehicle Usage$2,925 Supplies$7,030 Other Costs$25,545 Total$110,000 Project SMILE Funding MHSA PEI$110,000
Combined Project Respect/SMILE Budgets Project Respect : $36,480 for training & evaluation : $40,000 for operations Smile $38,520 start up costs : $110,000 for operations Potential Carryover Funds: $75,000 Exploring Leveraging and Other Resources Title IV-E Diversion Funds EPSDT Mental Health Funds State Proposition Funds Other Grants & Foundations
Next Steps Target Dates Publish Plan: November 10, 2008 Public Comment period: November 10 through December 10, 2008 Board Public Hearing and Approval: December 16, 2008 Submit Plan: December 20, 2008 Early January 2009 Form Collaborative Implementation & Monitoring Team Human Services Schools Community Providers Mental Health Board
Project Respect + S.M.I.L.E. = Collaborative Success in Mariposa County