PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTORS FOR NON- ALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE AMONG AN URBAN AGING ADULT SRI LANKAN POPULATION– RAGAMA HEALTH STUDY 7-YEAR FOLLOW UP Niriella MA 1, Kasturiratna KATT 1, De Silva ST 1, Perera KR 2, Subasinghe SKCE 2, Kodisinghe SK 2, Piyaratna TACL 2, Vithiya K 2, Kottachchi D 1, Ranawaka UK 1, Jayasinghe C 1, Rajindrajith S 1, Dassanayaka AS 1, De Silva AP 1, Pathmeswaran A 1, de Silva HJ 1 1 Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Ragama, 2 University Medical Unit, Colombo North Teaching Hospital (CNTH), Ragama. BACKGROUND & AIMS A previous community based study reported a prevalence of 33% for Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) among an urban adult Sri Lanka population. In this follow up study of the same population, after 7 years, we reassessed the prevalence and risk factors for NAFLD. RESULTS Of the 2985 original study participants, 2155 (72.2%) (1244 [57.7%] women, mean age 59.2 years [SD 7.7]) participated in the present study (mean age 58.9 years [SD 7.6], 483 men and 839 women) had NAFLD (61.35% of all participants) (Table 2). METHODS The study population consisted of year- old adults, originally selected by stratified random sampling. NAFLD was diagnosed on established ultrasound criteria for fatty liver, safe alcohol consumption (<14 units/week for males,<7 units/week for females) and absence of hepatitis B and C markers. Anthropometric measurements, blood pressure (BP) and body fat distribution estimates were made. HbA1c, fasting serum lipids, and serum alanine amino transferase (ALT) were determined. CONCLUSION The prevalence of NAFLD among adults in this aging urban Sri Lankan community has increased over 7 years and is independently associated with constituent features of the metabolic syndrome. TermDefinition OverweightBMI >23 kg/m 2 Abnormal body fat distributionCentral obesity (waist circumference ≥ 90 cm for men and ≥ 80 cm for women) Elevated systolic BPSystolic BP ≥ 130 mmHg, or on treatment for previously diagnosed hypertension Elevated diastolic BPDiastolic BP ≥ 85 mmHg, or on treatment for previously diagnosed hypertension Raised triglyceride (TG)≥150 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L), or on specific treatment Low HDL<40 mg/dL (1.03 mmol/L) in males and <50 mg/dL (1.29 mmol/L) in females, or on specific treatment Raised HbA1c5.7% or more or previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes Raised ALT2 x upper limit of normal PP 113 The authors have no conflicts of interest. SLMA AAS 2015 July Table 1 – Definitions Table 2 – Demographic features of participants with and without NAFLD With NAFLD (n = 1322) Without NAFLD (n=833) Significance Age years (SD)58.9 (7.6)59.6 (7.7)p=0.037 Men483428NS Women839405p<0.001 Table 3 – Association between the presence of NAFLD and risk factors On multivariate analysis, overweight, abnormal body fat distribution, elevated systolic BP, raised plasma triglycerides, and low HDL were independently associated with NAFLD. Raised diastolic BP, raised HbA1c and raised ALT were not associated with NAFLD (Table 3). CI – Confidence Interval; NS – Not significant