Consumer rights under the TRAI Act 1997 Presentation by K V P Baskaran, CEO & Director, Aircel Limited
Preamble to TRAI Act inter alia provides for regulation of telecom sectors and protection of telecom consumer interests
Consumer Rights Right of Choice Right of Participation Right of Information Right of Privacy Right of Redressal
Right of Choice Choice of operator Choice of Technology Choice of Plan Choice of Product
Right of Information Knowledge of terms and conditions of plans offered Right to information on charges billed
Right of Privacy Customer profile is not made public ( unless required by law ) Usage & billing details not disclosed
Right of Redressal Customers can approach TRAI for redressal in case CMSPs fail to resolve the issues Right of Participation To air their views on industry issues at Open House meetings
TRAI’s initiatives Provides consumers a fair choice of plans Total number of plans restricted to 25 Format of advertisement of tariff Provides transparency of charges based on MOU
TRAI’s initiatives Provides transparency on charges Directive to provide Itemised bill free of charge TTO amended barring collection of “plan migration fees”
TRAI’s initiatives Ensures that subscribers get the best of services from operators Directive to offer plans for a minimum period of six months Publicises the QOS of different operators and ensures compliance of QOS Protects subscriber from frequent change in plans
TRAI’s initiatives Protects subscriber’s right to service as contracted Directive to facilitate incoming calls during validity period despite zero balance Directive against forfeiture of balance by reducing grace period retrospectively
TRAI’s commitment to protecting consumer interests finds expression in the issue of directives and recommending appropriate actions to redress the grievances
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