Animals in English.. P R Vyas. Sounds Animals make.. Cat is - mewing. ( cats make sound of mewing when hungry ). Cat is -purring. ( When happy ).


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Presentation transcript:

Animals in English.. P R Vyas

Sounds Animals make.. Cat is - mewing. ( cats make sound of mewing when hungry ). Cat is -purring. ( When happy ).

Sounds Animals make.. Dog is - barking. Dog is -growling. ( When hungry ). Lions - Roaring.

Sounds Animals make.. Sheep and goats are - bleating. Horses are -neighing. Pigs - Grunting.

Sounds Animals make.. Cows are - mooing. Frogs are -croaking. Ducks are - quaking.

Sounds Animals make.. Cocks are - crowing. Hens are -clucking. Owls are - hooting.

Collective nouns for …. Lions Birds Cows Dogs Cats Fish Pride of lions Flock of Birds Herd of Cows Pack of Dogs Clowder of cats School of Fish

Collective nouns for …. Camels Alligator Ants Apes Asses Bats Train of camels Congregation of Alligators Army of Ants Troop of Apes Band of Asses Colony/cloud Of Bats

Collective nouns for …. Owls Cheetahs Cobras Crows Dolphins Doves Bee Baboons Parliament of Owls Coalition of Cheetahs Quiver of Cobras Murder of Crows Team of Dolphins Cote / exaltation of doves Swarm of Bees Congress of baboons

Collective nouns for …. Boys Butterfly Baboons Bears Cattles Geese (in Flight) Geese Blush of boys Flutter of butterflies Flange of Baboons Sleuth of bears Drove of cattle Skein of geese Gaggle of geese

Collective nouns for …. Chickens Fish Peacocks Brood of chickens School of fish Ostentation / pride of peacocks

Collective nouns for …. Giraffes Goats Mice Mosquitoes Nightingales Snakes Tower of giraffes Tribe of goats Trip of mice Scourge of mosquitoes Watch of nightingales Bed of snakes

And what these are known as … Tigers Swans Turtles Whales Wolves Ambush / streak of tigers Bank/ bevy of swans Bale of turtles Gam / pod of whales Pack of wolves

And what is their actions Horse trots. ( Slow ) Birds fly. Fish swim. Kangaroos hop. Snakes slither. Horses gallops. ( Fast ) Lambs skip.

And comparison with humans He is like horse. His courage is like lion. He Runs like cheetah.

And how you will explain in English. Cat – Small domesticated animal of tiger family, usually carnivorous, remains with humans in homes.

Animal Characteristics Catty – malicious tongued Bitchy- malicious tongued Ratty – bad tempered Mousy – dull, uninteresting, shy, quiet Dogged – stubborn Sheepish – awkwardly self- conscious Cocky – arrogant

Animal Babies Animal / BirdBaby Catskittens CowsCalves SheepLambs HorsesFoals DogsPuppies Pigspiglets BearsCubs WolvesCubs LionsCubs DucksDucklings HensChickens FrogsTadpoles Caterpillarsbutterflies