Prepare Arrange in appealing manner Hot Appetizers Prepare Arrange in appealing manner
Appetizers Designed to stimulate the appetite Served as first course Hors d’oeuvres served separately from meal Complement don’t duplicate taste of main dish Don’t pack them Use trays and plates with interesting shapes and sizes
Hot Appetizers Brochettes- meat, fish, and vegetables served on small skewers (kebabs) Cut all appetizers in consistent shapes and sizes Filled Pastry shells- Puff pastry shells (bouchees) Fillings- cheese, stews, meat,veggies Meatballs- ground beef, poultry, veal, or pork Rumaki- blanched bacon wrapped around veggies, seafood, chicken liver, meat, poultry then fried baked or broiled. Stuffed Potato Skins Chicken Wings
Name the appetizer????
Plating and Serving Functional and attractive presentation Brochettes- small plate atop a drizzle of sauce with a garnish Make each plate or bowl a special presentation Buffet- Garnish each plate that holds appetizers Arrange in manner that is pleasing to the eye.
Good or Bad Plating???
Plating and serving (Con’t) Don’t pack tightly. Leave space so they can be picked up. Butler Service- appetizers that are served on a plate at a standing event Each item should be small enough to be eaten in one or two bites without a knife or fork Give a napkin to hold the appetizer
Appetizer Tables
Holding and Storing Serve hot appetizers HOT!! Bouchees need to be assembled just before serving Use a chafing dish Polysulfone- used to hold appetizers on steam table or store in the fridge