Office Technology Computer Information Systems Child Development Secretary/Administrative Assistant Licensed Vocational Nursing Business VTEA FUNDS
Collaborative Agreement between the Madera Center with FCC Nursing Program, Madera Workforce Investment Board, and a consortium of local hospitals VATEA Funds Supplies, Equipment, and Software for Student Testing Licensed Vocational Nurse
Office Technology 10 – Medical Terminology Bio 100 – Survey Anatomy and Physiology Food and Nutrition 35 or 40 Prerequisites
If prerequisites for RN are complete, LVN’s may then apply for the FCC RN Paradigm Program through the local hospital They continue to work as paid employees and expenses are covered by their employer Apply directly to FCC RN Program as an LVN articulated student Advantages for LVN to RN
30 Students Admitted every 18 months First graduating class had 100% pass rate Second class still in process Licensed Vocational Nurse