PROPOSED STRUCTURE Career Development Services Policy
Background The White Paper needs to provide the hook/framework for CDS to take place Currently there is no policy statement on Career Development in the White Paper
Conceptual Framework Strategic Intent Implementation Policy Framework (incl policy goal) Strategic objectives Outcomes and outputs (deliverables) Background/Introduction Context Concept of Career Development Services/What constitute Career Development Services? Resourcing Human Technology Funding Management and coordination Implementation Strategies Processes and Procedures Basic Structure
Structure Conceptual Framework 1. Background/Introduction Background/Introduction 2. Context Context 3. Career Development Services Career Development Services Strategic Intent 4. The Policy framework The Policy framework 5. Strategic Objectives Strategic Objectives 6. Outcomes and outputs Outcomes and outputs Implementation 7. Resourcing Resourcing 8. Management and Coordination Management and Coordination 9. Implementation Strategies Implementation Strategies 10. Processes and Procedures Processes and Procedures Glossary of Terms
Chapter 1 – Background/Introduction Development of Career Development Services International trends National background
Chapter 2 - Context Current state of CDS in South Africa Flederman feasibility study DHET survey Legislative and policy context (See 4 Draft 1) General 8 White Papers and ANC Policy Framework for Education and Training New Growth Path (NGP) National Development Plan (NDP) HRD Strategy (HRDS) National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS I-III) Specific Post school education and training incl. ref to SETAs Basic Education Labour SAQA others A Framework for Cooperation in the Provision of Career Development (Information, Advice and Guidance) Services in South Africa Mandates – role-players/stakeholders
Chapter 3 – Career Development Services What is Career Development? Career Development Services (CDS) defined Other terminology Significance of CDS What constitutes Career Development Services? Components Minimum requirements: Information People Technology Vision and Mission
Chapter 4 – The Policy Framework Aims of the policy Policy Goal Principles Lifelong Access Equity Redress Quality Diverse range of services Coordination of services Cooperation, coordination and partnerships Capacity building Standard setting and quality assurance
Chapter 5 – Strategic Objectives Access To quality, relevant, verifiable, trustworthy, evidence based information NCAP Print Radio and TV Social media To career guidance and advice NQF and CAS Helpline Walk-in Centres Exhibitions Redress First choice for people in rural areas Infrastructure for rural areas Support to LO teachers Human Capacity Building Parents’ responsibilities LO Teachers Career Development Practitioners need for specialist people in schools/FET Colleges/Universities and other jobs (job creation) Research, development and evaluation
Chapter 6 – Outcomes and Outputs Outcome 1: Creating an enabling environment for the service to take place through policies, guidelines, protocols, shared responsibilities and collaboration A Career Development Policy and Implementation Strategy developed Coordination and collaboration An advocacy and communication plan for integrated career services in the country developed Framework is understood and agreed to by all the stakeholders Roles and responsibilities, protocols and accountabilities are understood There is wide buy-in into a national plan across the sector and amongst all social partners Guidelines and protocols for partnerships are developed and implemented for the coordination of career development services to ensure comprehensive provision of services Career development monitoring, evaluation and research agenda for the country that informs the delivery of comprehensive integrated quality career development services in the country on all levels and initial research commissioned Develop a competency framework aligned to levels, occupations, qualifications and career pathways A national career development forum established Outcome 2: Providing a comprehensive career guidance and career information dissemination and collection system A mass communication campaign through social media, radio, newspapers, exhibitions, print materials and television - Citizens, especially learners (even in rural areas) are aware of available services The NCAP is developed and fully operational Outcome 3: Providing career guidance, development and career counselling services A social networking service – Facebook, twitter, online community support The further development and maintenance of a fully functional Career Advice Service (helpline) A framework for walk-in centres developed and fully functional walk-in centres that provide one stop career development services, piloted and implemented
Chapter 7 –Resourcing Need for investment Principles for resourcing Human Resources Infrastructure and technology Funding
Chapter 8 – Management and Coordination Career Development Implementation Task Team National Career Development Forum National Coordination National Coordinating Unit for CDS Professional body for career development practitioners National career development information systems coordination
Chapter 9 – Implementation Strategies System-wide approach Coordination and collaboration Monitoring, evaluation and development Planning Cycles
Chapter 10 – Processes and Procedures Creating an enabling environment: through policies, guidelines, protocols, shared responsibilities and collaboration Providing career information dissemination and collection system: National Career Advice Portal (NCAP) mass communication campaign through social media, radio, newspapers, exhibitions, print materials and television Providing career guidance, development and career counseling services: A network of walk-in centres; A social networking service – Facebook, twitter, online community support A guidance, development and counseling web-site and mobi-site; and A national telephone helpline Monitoring, evaluation and development
Next Steps Agree on structure of the policy – in process Agree on timeframes Agree on internal commenting on documents Suggestions for wider consultation