@CRMUG Microsoft Dynamics CRM User Group (CRMUG ® ) Chapter Meeting WELCOME! Grand Rapids Tweet during Today’s #CRMUG, #CRMUGGR
@CRMUG AGENDA 8:30 – 9:00Chapter Business & Introductions 9:00 – 9:15 Break & Registration 9:15 – 10:00Member Showcase: HarperCollins 10:00 – 10:45Special: Microsoft Road Map 10:45 – 11:00Break 11:00 – 11:30Educational Workshop: BPM 11:30-12:00Roundtables
@CRMUG GRAND RAPIDS CRM USER GROUP TEAM Chapter RoleNameCompany Chapter ChairRob GalliniHarperCollins VP ProgrammingPierre HulsebusScribe VP CommunicationTeri StoraRehmann VP MembershipNate DykensAmway
@CRMUG GET TO KNOW YOUR CRM PEERS Introductions ‒Name ‒Company (describe Company/Industry) ‒Your role in the company ‒What version are you on? ‒What do you hope to accomplish by attending the user group? Tweet the most interesting thing you hear or the person you are most excited to network with #crmuggr
The CRMUG Mission: CRMUG’s mission is to maximize value to individuals and companies using Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Our vision is to engage every individual and company using CRM in value-added networking, knowledge sharing, and to be the single most important conduit for Microsoft to seek guidance on future development of Dynamics CRM.
@CRMUG Connect, Learn, Share 23,000 of your Dynamics CRM peers are waiting for YOU to join the Community! Get Started Now Have Questions? Contact Bryan Erstad, CRMUG Membership Manager x1450 JOIN CRMUG Enroll Online … Being a member of CRMUG means… “learning from others to avoid mistakes and common pitfalls, relating and making connections with other users, and interacting with best minds in industry”
WHY CRMUG? Spend some time to save a lot of time Save money by finding a low cost resource for Dynamics CRM assistance Career and professional development Get recognized inside and outside of work Help your business grow Make your job easier by learning more efficient ways to use the software Learn from what others have done, good or bad
@CRMUG Join our Chapter Community today to receive updates and access to the content library with presentation materials.
@CRMUG CRM ENVIRONMENT CRM ERP orders eCommerce orders
@CRMUG BUSINESS CASE: AUTOMATE SALES OPPORTUNITIES Monitor orders created by integrations Order entity Trigger on key products Order Products entity Existing Product field Create OpportunityAutomate closing
@CRMUG DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Automation Free up staff from manual opportunity creation. Ease communications with Customer Service for Opportunitiess won or lost Ease adoption Users were familiar with spreadsheets & Outlook OOTB Workflows No plugins Upgrade-proof
@CRMUG MICROSOFT ROAD MAP Special presentation
@CRMUG BPM: WHY? “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to” “I don’t much care where–” “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” “–so long as I get SOMEWHERE,” “Oh, you’re sure to do that if you only walk long enough.”
@CRMUG BUSINESS PROCESS MAPPING WHAT IS BUSINESS PROCESS MAPPING? Business process mapping is a procedure whereby the steps in a business process are clarified and documented in both written form and visually in a flow chart. Information about the process is gathered and compiled and the steps in the process are laid out from left to right and top to bottom, with specific shapes used to denote specific process components (decision points, documentation, etc.)
@CRMUG BPM: INGREDIENTS 1.Often done using Visio or special BPM software 2.Swim Lanes: Define users or teams 3.Flowchart depicting: 1.major actions each user or team takes 2.Decision criteria that affects the action steps for the process 3.Data sources used in the process 4.Phases with entrance and exit criteria (vertical lines)
@CRMUG BPM: GOALS Automation goals: ‒Expedite flow of information from one person or team to the next ‒Eliminate manual steps that can introduce errors Streamlining goals: ‒Increase efficiency ‒Reduce redundancy Reengineering: ‒Reorganize teams and functions ‒Introduce new business processes Factors: ‒Desired benefits ‒Time & Money
@CRMUG LESSONS LEARNED Do Have someone trained or hire a consultant. ‒Someone who doesn’t know what they are doing can waste a lot of man-hours. Listen for key words & phrases ‒should & could ‒I don’t know who uses that information ‒I don’t know why Use the “5 Why’s” ‒ Don’t Have large meetings with management ‒Many times they do not know how the work gets done in their areas. ‒Subordinates are hesitant to correct wrong information Have long meetings ‒Brain drain ‒Frequent but short meetings stimulate thought ‒Time away lets people think about what they said as they do their job
@CRMUG NEXT MEETING? Date: Time: Place: Topics:
@CRMUG FEEDBACK A survey will be sent within 24 hours of the meeting. If you tweet, let us know how it #grcrmug