Poster produced by Faculty & Curriculum Support (FACS), Georgetown University School of Medicine Development of an Interactive Population Health Curriculum for Medical Students Jeff Weinfeld, Andrea Cammack, Sarah Kureshi, Kenny Lin, Yumi Jarris, Erica McClaskey Abstract Department of Family Medicine, Georgetown University, Washington, DC Introduction Methods Lessons Learned References Georgetown University 1.Berwick DM, Nolan TW, Whittington J. The triple aim: care, health, and cost. Health Aff (Millwood) May-Jun;27(3): Kaufman S, Ali N, DeFiglio et al. Early Efforts to Target and Enroll High-Risk Diabetic Patients Into Urban Community-Based Programs. Health Promotion Practice.2014:15(Suppl 2):62S –70S. 3.Eg Standard 7.1, Functions and structure of a medical school LCME. Published March 2016, Available from Accessed 6/15/ APTR. Clinical Prevention and Population Health Curriculum Framework Available from Accessed 6/15/ JMP Pro, SAS Systems, 6.Python Software Foundation, 7.Jet Brains, Year 1 – Sequence of Activities Intro Population health is an important concept for medical students given its increasing role in our health system. Course directors in Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) and Patients, Populations, & Policy (P3) courses were charged with creating an interactive curriculum in population health and quality improvement areas for first-year medical students. Methods Two M1 courses collaborated to create a population health and quality data curriculum including video SDL, lecture, large-group workshop (JMP statistical software with custom data set) student presentation, and TBL. Results Collaboration and planning helped to avoid duplication of content and communicate importance to students. Student presentations showcased the spectrum of population health data but students demonstrated a limited variety and sophistication of interventions. Students found the large group setting difficult for learning new software. Limited home preparation appeared to have limited in-class learning. In the second year of the curriculum, separating the software workshop into a smaller group setting was effective in teaching software. Changes in our health system including the triple aim, 1 the ACA, ACOs, hottspoting, 2 and MOC QI modules have all highlighted the need for future physicians to understand populations health. To satisfy LCME requirements 3 and national recommendations, 4 and at the request of one of the Deans, the EBM course was asked to create an individual population health exercise in which all students would participate. Process Discussion with, then partnering with other courses Identifying objectives Identifying pedagogy Detailed planning of activities Statistical Software JMP Pro statistical software package 5 – Licensed for students and (later) faculty Custom Data Set Created using Python 3.5 (programming language) 6 and PycharmCE 7 (software development environment) Creates a custom dataset with a given number of doctors and patients per doctor Simulates real dataset without concerns about de-identification of patient data Download sample dataset and code from Key: Topic and Pedagogy – Objective Course Population Health Lecture – Understand population health framework P3 Population health data, stats software large-group workshop – Understand sources of population health data P3 Population health student presentation small group – Apply population health framework to solve a problem P3 Population health/stats software assignment online – Learn to use statistical software, manipulate quality data EBM Statistical tests, using stats software TBL – Apply knowledge to choose a statistical test, demonstrate use of tests in software package EBM Student Feedback/Results Student presentations focused on person-level interventions more often than population-level Self-learning of software was not sufficient for in-class activities Course collaboration/coordination was effective Collaboration between courses is a powerful tool for an efficient curriculum that avoids duplication Smaller classroom settings are more effective when teaching new software A computer program was a good way to create custom data for students Year 2 – Modified Sequence Fig. 2.: JMP statistical software with simulated data Key: Topic and Pedagogy – Objective Changes Eliminated item Course Population Health Small Group – Understand population health framework P3 Population health student presentation in small group – Apply population health framework to solve a problem P3 Population health data, stats software online tutorial – Understand sources of pop health data and introduction to statistical software EBM Population health/stats software online assignment – Learn to use statistical software, manipulate quality data EBM Statistical tests, using stats software TBL – Apply knowledge to choose a statistical test EBM Population Health/Statistical Software Workshop with video on-demand help (30 students) – demonstrate use of statistical tests in software package and manipulate population health data EBM Student Feedback/Results TBL more successful without trying to teach software at the same time Separate software workshop in smaller group setting more successful for learning Need to train/recruit instructors for statistics workshop Fig. 1.: The future health care system. A mind map prepared in curricular development.