Wilkinson 8 th Grade Trip School Year
Unfortunately, there will not be a trip to Cedar Point
Instead we will be going to... Toronto!!
On the first day we would visit Niagara Falls
While at the Falls we will take a ride on the Maid of the Mist
We will end Day 1 with a trip to IMAX Niagara Falls and dinner with a view!
After eating breakfast on Day 2 we would tour Chinatown
And the Kensington Marketplace
Before Lunch we would Visit the CN Tower where you will ascend more than 1100 feet You'll return to earth at 15 miles per hour, the same speed as if you were dropping with an open parachute!
After visiting the Royal Ontario Museum
We will dine the way Medieval Knights and their Ladies did at Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament
Finally on the last day of the trip we will make a stop at Canada’s Wonderland Theme Park and Waterpark
This could be your trip IF you put the time and effort into it!
This could be your trip IF you put the time and effort into it!