Club development Club development planning workshop
Overview Club Profile Getting a big picture of where we are Pathway Mapping Looking at what the club offers SWOT analysis A focus upon the good, not so good, and external issues Club development plan Utilising the info to plan effectively Review Analyse Plan
Address Main contact Phone contact: ConstitutionY/N Website Social MediaAudited AccountsY/N Clubs (if required in Association) & membership Adult Male Members Adult Female Members Youth (i.e. U-18) Male Members Youth (i.e. U-18) Female Members Total Membership Overall Memberships Current adult membership MaleFemaleTotal Current youth membership Costs of membership Capacity for membership growth Y/NHow/Where Capacity to develop talented athletesY/NHow Programmes for talented athletesY/NWhat Names of athletes on the talent pathway (i.e. Area squad-Regional Development Centre-Academy-National representation) Who Teams Run (please include all, including junior and occasional teams/ non- club fixtures too) Well Organised clubs Association Committee structure Chair/ President Vice-C/ Vice-P SecretaryTreasurerOther? Dream/Vision for the club Y/ N accreditationY/NClub Development PlanY/N Policies:Child Protection Y/ N Equality/EquityY/NEmergency proceduresY/N Other Policies: Y/ N Better Connected clubs Club links to active schoolsPrimary SchoolsY/NSecondary School(s)Y/N Club links to sports’ development staffY/NOther linksY/N School links establishedY/N Business linksY/N Attendance at Development Group MeetingsY/N Connected to athlete talent and competition pathwayY/N Well promoted clubs Accessible information on the clubY/N Volunteering and participation opportunitiesY/N Good practice recognized and sharedY/N Links to Governing BodyY/N Others Sustainable clubs Fund raising/sponsorshipY/NWhat Grants/applicationsY/NWhat Long term sustainabilityY/NWhat Great people in Clubs What coaching programmes do you provide to athletes? What does your coaching workforce look like?MaleFemaleTotal Do you have a Head Coach? Assistant coaches (not qualified, e.g. parent helpers) Y/N Who and Level Assistant coaches Level 1 coaches Level 2 coaches Names of coaches (& Coach Education needs → ) CPD needs (i.e. any courses/monitoring etc.) PCS trainin g Y/N Volunteering opportunitiesY/NWhat Officials (Level and/or Education needs → ) title Recognition of volunteers and coachesY/NHow/What Great places for clubs (please list any concerns/issues too) Current facilities used Competition/ Training facilities Own/ Rent Spring/ Summer Autumn/ Winter Access to facilitiesTraining times Facility aspirations Active Schools activities Club Involvement Holiday club involvement Young volunteers
Primary school curriculum delivered Primary inter school festivals School curriculum delivered Secondary school competition Extra curricular clubs/activities School/club link Club training opportunity Club competition opportunity Performance programme established RDM
StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats
Now it is time to develop your plan Prioritise your aims and objectives. Don’t be afraid to change things if needs be. Communicate your plan to your members. Get their thoughts on the plan. Produce a draft.