Background to Fit4Health Programme & Today’s Workshop Matthew Philpott: European Healthy Stadia Network & Fit4Health UK Lead Supporting fair play and cooperation in sport
Background to Healthy Stadia Healthy Stadia are experts in the cross-over area of public health and sport / sports stadia, working with clubs and governing bodies in both UK and Europe since 2004 Specialists in food and nutrition, physical activity, tobacco control with increasing focus on mental health & health inequalities Affiliate partners in 13 European countries, with over 200 clubs/stadia members of European Healthy Stadia Network Cooperation with World Heart Federation as partner of UEFA’s Football and Social Responsibility portfolio, working on offical health programmes for EURO 2012, EURO 2016 Lead agency or full partners for x5 EU projects on sport & health. Supporting fair play and cooperation in sport
Healthy Stadia Concept A holistic approach to developing stadia as ‘health promoting settings’: “Healthy Stadia are those which promote the health of visitors, fans, players, employees and the surrounding community... Places where people can go to have a positive, healthy experience playing or watching sport” Supporting fair play and cooperation in sport
Background to Healthy Stadia Three main approaches to improving health through sports clubs: Community Engagement Programmes / Campaigns: childhood obesity interventions, healthier eating programmes, men’s health, sports participation, mental health, active aging Workplace Wellness: Bike to work schemes, healthier food choices at canteens, workplace health checks, use of club fitness facilities Health in Stadia Policies and Practices: Creating a healthier stadia environments (e.g. smoking ban) & giving fans and visitors opportunities to make healthier choices (e.g. healthier catering). Supporting fair play and cooperation in sport
Background to Fit4Health Theme: 18 month programme of work looking to improve coaching and competition environments for young performance level athletes aged Funding: The project is working with partners from 5 European countries, and funded by the EU’s Sport Programme Primary aim: Project is developing best practice guidance through field based empirical research and across-analysis of the policies and practices employed by different sports to protect and nurture young aspiring athletes. Supporting fair play and cooperation in sport
Background to Fit4Health Participating countries and sports: UK – Cricket (boys) Italy – Volleyball (mixed gender) Croatia – Basketball (boys) Finland – Pesapallo (baseball - girls) Bulgaria - Gymnastics (mixed gender) Supporting fair play and cooperation in sport
Background to Fit4Health Key themes under investigation: Risk assessments for training and competition venues, first aid provision and health &safety policies and practices Suitable training techniques for youth age-groups, and avoidance of over-training Guidance for young athletes on lifestyle risk factors (e.g. nutrition / alcohol) and performance enhancing drugs Development of positive coaching environments, anti-bullying strategies and awareness of mental health and wellbeing. Supporting fair play and cooperation in sport
Background to Fit4Health How we are investigating these themes: Staging of Fit4Health tournaments in the 5 participating countries; circa 250 participants During tournaments, attitudinal surveys have been carried out with young athletes (30 p/c), and stakeholders (20 p/c) such as coaches, parents, school teachers, governing body reps - PLUS further insight through x5 round table discussion meetings Audit of current policies and practices adopted by target sports to promote the health, wellbeing and safety of individuals - PLUS analysis of similar policies adopted by different settings (e.g. workplaces, schools). Supporting fair play and cooperation in sport
Background to Fit4Health Final steps & outputs: Synthesis of empirical data and audit findings into toolkit for governing bodies of sport and individual clubs (coordinated by Healthy Stadia) Workshops run in each country on a specified topic – UK has chosen to investigate the emerging field of positive coaching environments and mental health awareness in sport Learning from today’s workshop will be integrated into final project guidance document, with examples from UK Final dissemination conference in Ancona, Italy in June and publication of guidance document. Supporting fair play and cooperation in sport
Charter on Mental Health & Sport Coinciding with the Fit4Health programme, in March 2015 the Sport & Recreation Alliance launched a ‘Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation’ Aims to use the power of sport & recreation to promote wellbeing, with a focus on encouraging physical activity and social interaction for their contribution to good mental health Backed by Government’s ODPM, MIND and Professional Players Federation, and supported by many of the UK’s NGBs Today’s speakers to elaborate on the expectations of the Charter and how clubs and NGBs can respond. Supporting fair play and cooperation in sport
Today’s Workshop Strong emphasis on the sharing of good practice amongst different sports X2 panel sessions with questions from audience: -How professional clubs and governing bodies have developed positive coaching environments & MH awareness strategies for aspiring young athletes -Projects & initiatives with local communities, grassroots clubs and service users to promote positive mental through sport. Q: How can sports clubs (both amateur and professional), coaches and governing bodies respond to the recently announced Charter? Supporting fair play and cooperation in sport
Many thanks to all of our speakers, delegates & our Chair today.... More information on Fit4Health at: Contact & follow Healthy Stadia ® at: Web: Supporting fair play and cooperation in sport