Coach Development Coach Development Framework June 07
Related SPARC Developments New Zealand Coaching Strategy Coach Development Framework No Exceptions It’s all about Children and Young People (SPARC Policy Document – under development) SPARC Sport and Recreation Pathway (under development) Volunteer Strategy (under development) Coaching section of SPARC website (
Sport and Recreation Pathway Previously called the Talent Development Framework Explore Learn Participate Perform Excel
NZ Coaching Strategy The Coaching Strategy is all about regional delivery of national programmes. Objectives More Time Increased recognition and status Improved quality
NZ Coaching Strategy Philosophy Delivering a quality service to whoever is coached It is not about the coach – it is about child/participate/athlete that is coached Create a world-class coaching environment – One that has a common purpose – All the parts are connected
Coach Development Framework Establishes the philosophy and principles for coach development Provides the structure Sets the direction for programme development, delivery, etc. Outlines the roles of key players – i.e. provides the starting point to start to connect the bits Defines the characteristics and needs of athletes in coaching communities and key coach development learning areas
Some Key Framework Principles Ownership Holistic Continuous improvement Partnership Community based Athlete centred Applicable and practical Integrated Flexible Appropriate
Coach Development Philosophy “Continuous improvement through the increasingly effective integration of coaching skills knowledge and understandings in coaching practice”
NZ CoachApproach Focus on who and how, as well as what to coach Athlete centred - learning through, ownership, awareness and responsibility, self belief Coaching not instructing – Observe – Question – Listen – Probe further using the athletes response
What we want sports to do Review their athlete development pathway Review their coach development framework to match this (coaching communities) Define the skills, knowledge and understanding that coaches require to meet the needs of their athletes in that community Develop programmes, define how coaches can access learning and who can deliver it Deliver programmes in a way that reinforces an athlete centred philosophy Provide coaches with resources, appropriate to their athletes Support coaches to apply learning in practice
What SPARC is Doing Developing electronic general principle coaching materials Providing guidance to NSOs Funding pilot projects to implement the Framework Working to align key players
What should it mean to a Regional Coach? Better links to national programmes Integration of sport specific and general principles of coaching More/better/coordinated support Flexible, ongoing access to professional development opportunities Help to apply learning in practice Learning and resources targeted to the athletes they coach