Every one counts Our key measures of success will be satisfied patients and staff who feel positive about their work The values of the NHS Constitution underpin all that we do We work to improve the lives of individuals, local communities and the population as a whole We work with patients, public and partners to get the best outcomes We tackle inequalities, we are open and transparent People are at the heart of everything we do NHS England A guide to our Performance development review scheme “High quality care for all, now and for future generations”
PURPOSE AIMS AND AMBITIONS To provide an overview of the new Performance Development and Review (PDR) Scheme, its key components and the process to follow To reinforce the message that PDR is about building upon what we already do in a way that supports our values and aspirations To talk about the timeline for implementation To encourage staff to think about how they can help successfully implement the scheme 2 "High quality care for all, now and for future generations." To develop, design and implement a single PDR scheme for all staff across NHS England, which will help: reinforce our identity as a single organisation; embed our core values and behaviours; focus on delivering the best for patients; motivate, challenge and support our people to develop their capabilities as individuals and teams; and achieve sustainable high performance as an organisation. Our aim is for our PDR scheme to help NHS England create a positive culture, where the principles and values of the NHS Constitution are evident in the work we do and the manner in which we work with each other internally and with our external stakeholders and partners.
THREE DIMENSIONS OF GREAT PERFORMANCE Outcomes Values & Behaviours Development Makes good progress towards challenging objectives Exhibits our values and behaviours in their work Develops themselves and others to drive sustained improvements Great staff consistently perform well in all these areas PDR is supported by an on line system which is designed to ensure that the process is: light on paper work; simple to operate; recorded in one place focused upon having good quality conversations that enable us to deliver great outcomes, model our values and behaviours and develop our skills and capabilities to sustain high performance.
PDR PROCESS Our PDR process comprises of four key stages: 4 2. Agreeing individual objectives and a personal development plan 3. Supporting individuals to perform throughout the year 4. Annual Review 1. Aligning team and organisation objectives Thinking about individual contribution to shared team and organisation objectives What went well? What could be better? What has been learned? Look forward to next year Regular 1:1’s Interim review 360 degree feedback Giving & receiving feedback Stretching objectives Development & support needed to be successful How progress will be measured "High quality care for all, now and for future generations."
The PDR process (and system) contains a lightweight, transparent and user-friendly, 360 degree tool which asks for feedback on three key questions. What an individual has done well; (strengths, achievements) The values and behaviours displayed by the individual in their work (prioritising patients, listening and learning, using evidence…) What the individual could do differently or better in the future (development needs). This tool can also be used throughout the year on an ad hoc basis. "High quality care for all, now and for future generations." DEGREE FEEDBACK
THE PDR YEAR 6 "High quality care for all, now and for future generations."
KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING OF HOW THE PDR SCHEME WORKS OBJECTIVE SETTING AT TEAM & INDIVIDUAL LEVEL GIVING & RECEIVING FEEDBACK CONDUCTING QUALITY PDR CONVERSATIONS PDR IT SYSTEM Socialisation of the PDR Scheme through group briefings, podcast and webinars E-learning module PDR IT System through Webex HR Updates PDR Scheme & Guide available for review on the intranet E-Learning module ‘How to Guide’: top hints and tips on how to set objectives at individual and team level Link to NHS England’s business planning process to ensure alignment of individual objectives with corporate & team objectives E-learning module Skills development module ‘How to Guide’: top hints and tips on: how to give & receive constructive feedback; how to recognise positive contribution; how to manage/ deliver difficult conversations Skills input at Leadership Forum & Heads of Conference E-Learning Module Skills development module/training day to ensure managers have the skills to conduct meaningful coaching conversations ‘How to Guide’: top hints and tips on: preparing for and delivering quality PDR conversations 1 X 1 Day PDR System Walkthrough (max 10 delegates) 1 x 1 Day UAT tester enablement 2 x 1 Day OD/HR Admin Training – Modules to cover: Core PDR, 360 and Training and Development (max 8 delegates) 1 x 2 Day Super User Training (max 6 delegates) PDR SKILLS & CAPABILITY DEVELOPMENT CORE ELEMENTS "High quality care for all, now and for future generations." 7
TIMELINE FOR IMPLEMENTATION PDR system testing – January / February 360 feedback pilot for VSM’s – February / March A high quality interactive e-learning package will be available to all staff by March Targeted skills development programmes will also be delivered before April The electronic platform to support the scheme will be in place by April "High quality care for all, now and for future generations."
QUESTIONS Please take a moment to consider: How do you see this process working in your Directorate / team? What support do you need? What opportunities does this bring? Any other issues? Questions should be fed back to your Head of People and Organisation Development or 9 "High quality care for all, now and for future generations."