Diabetes and You!
Diabetes A disorder when the body has trouble regulating its blood glucose/sugar levels. A disorder of the body’s immune system when the system attacks and destroys certain cells in the pancreas. There are two types: 1.Type 1 2.Type 2
How things normally work When you eat, your body breaks food down into glucose. Glucose is a type of sugar that is your body’s main source of energy. 1
Blood glucose regulation Blood glucose goes up and down throughout the day (“A balancing act”) 8 As your blood glucose rises (after a meal), the pancreas releases insulin.
Type 1 Generally develops in children, teens, and young adults. Juvenile diabetes is a chronic disease (does not go away). Pancreas does not functionally produce insulin. You need daily injections or insulin pumps.
Symptoms of Type 1 Extreme thirst Frequent urination Drowsiness or lethargy Sugar in Urine Sudden weight loss Sudden vision changes
Type 2 Your cells reject insulin and does not allow glucose to enter completely (insulin resistance). Your pancreas may not produce enough insulin (insulin deficiency). 13
Risk factors for type 2 diabetes Are overweight. Are 45 or older. Are physically inactive. Have a parent or sibling with type 2 diabetes. Are African American, Native American, Hispanic American, or Pacific Islander. Have abnormal cholesterol levels. Have had gestational diabetes, or given birth to a baby greater than 9 lbs. Have high blood pressure. Type 2 is more common in people who: 14
Hypoglycemic Symptoms
Facts about Diabetes 17 million people in the U.S. have diabetes About 35 children are diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes each day Well over 1 million children have type 1 diabetes
Introduction to self-management Key pieces of diabetes self-management: Monitoring blood glucose Taking medication Following a meal plan Getting regular exercise 34
Hyperglycemia Can Cause Serious Long-Term Problems
Find Diabetes Educators in Your Area
Organizations & websites Intermountain Health Care IHC Diabetes Management Program Phone: National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse 1 Information Way Bethesda, MD Phone: American Diabetes Association ATTN: National Call Center 1701 North Beauregard Street Alexandria, VA Phone: DIABETES ( ) American Dietetic Association 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000 Chicago, Illinois Phone: National Diabetes Education Program One Diabetes Way Bethesda, MD Phone: Diabetes Exercise and Sports Association 8001 Montcastle Dr. Nashville, TN Phone: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 120 Wall Street New York, NY Phone: CURE (2873) Joslin Diabetes Center One Joslin Place Boston, MA Phone: