S UPER B SITE OVERVIEW S. Tomassini, INFN-LNF On behalf of SuperB Collaboration.


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Presentation transcript:

S UPER B SITE OVERVIEW S. Tomassini, INFN-LNF On behalf of SuperB Collaboration

Outline The Torvergata site Preliminary geological analysis SPARX: preliminary and final design SuperB: preliminary civil infrastructures design SPARX-SuperB and future synergies Conclusions

The Torvergata Site Torvergata AREA for the SuperB and SPARX Projects

Roman Villa University Campus CNR SPARX & SuperB Sport City

SPARX 1 st stage SuperB LINAC SPARX future SuperB & SPARX footprint Preliminary SuperB footprint decided last year with the University of Torvergata. A new more precise design is coming. The Torvergata engineering group is working on it. We had a delay of one month due to the change in the University head and the nomination of the new responsible of the civil infrastructures of the area.

The new Urban Plan Map approved SPARX and its extension area

S.1 S.2 S.3 S.4 S.5 Formed by the Colli Albani volcano more than years ago Very stable volcanic rock Site Geology Soil Sea Level Altitude (m) Brown Pyroclastic Rock Gray Pyroclastic Rock Preliminary

Seismic map menti/mappa_opcm3519.pdfhttp://zonesismiche.mi.ingv.it/docu menti/mappa_opcm3519.pdf Maximum ground acceleration, with a 10% probability of exceeding it in 50 years.

Nanometer Vibrations measurement In order to certificate the site, vibration measurements in situ are foreseen: on ground surface underground Few wells will be drilled in the area to do the underground measurement The Pisa INFN VIRGO group (Dr. Braccini and Eng. Gennai) is available to perform these measurements with the help of the Torvergata engineering group and the SPARX team. They have the right expertise and instrumentation. They can do measurements in the range of nanometer. Also the Annecy group (Andrea Jeremie) is interested in this job and has the right expertise and instrumentation. We are waiting for the University authorization

Summary of SPARX civil infrastructures design

SPARX-FEL: photo-injector Composed by: One LINAC at 1.5 GeV and 2.4 GeV Three Undulators Lines Six Experimental Lines SOURCE PULSED SELF AMPLIFIED RADIATION X

SPARX-FEL: undulator hall

SPARX-FEL: experimental hall

01 Head building 02 Main building Bunker 03 Building Sport city SPARX-FEL: area planimetry BUNKER SPARX F.E.L.


TAV Turin – Milan Pregnana Tunnel TRANSVERSAL SECTION Concrete Plate BUNKER SPARX F.E.L.





Preliminary ideas of the SuperB civil infrastructures

SPARX SuperB: LINAC Tunnel Ground Level Modulators & Klystrons Tunnel LINAC Tunnel 400 m 5 m 4 m 5 m 600 m 500 m

SuperB: LINAC Tunnel The LINAC tunnel will be excavated like a trench TAV Torino – Milano Pregnana Tunnel

SuperB: Damping Ring Damping Ring 200 m 20 m 18 m

SuperB: Storage Rings Tunnel 600 m 500 m 5.8 m The old idea was to tunnel the cavern by means of the same tunneling machine that now is tunneling the C-line subway in Rome. This machine will be available in two years. Other tunneling machine are available…

SuperB: Storage Ring Tunnel Occupancy 4.5 m 2 m 0.7 m0.4 m 0.7 m

SuperB: side view

SuperB: Electrical Substations 9 electrical substations for SuperB 2 electrical substations for SparX about 40 Mw total electrical power needed

SuperB: Transfer Lines & Experimental Hall -+

SPARX future

Conclusions The preliminary feasibility study of the SuperB project on the Torvergata site has been performed. A preliminary geological study of the area has given good results on the stability of the site and new tests are foreseen in the building area. Test to discover archeological ruins are also foreseen and will start as soon as the authorization is given. Measurements of the environmental vibrations on the ground surface and underground are foreseen and we expect to perform them by the end of March in collaboration with SPARX. A precise design of the Campus area (from a urban point of view) is underway, we had a delay of almost one month due to the nomination of the new head at the University. A strong synergy with the SPARX-FEL project exists, there is the possibility to use the SuperB LINAC as the “injector” of the fel for future upgrade.