The sun Tyler, Brady, and Ben
T he Size of the Sun The diameter of the Sun is 865,000 miles. 300 times the size of the Earth.
The Suns location The earth orbits the sun at about 93,000 miles{or 150,000,000 kilometers.
The suns shape The suns shape is a sphere. But not a perfect sphere.
The Sun’s Composition 75% hydrogen, 25% helium with less then 1% other materials such as: silver, copper.
Ability support life The sun does not have the ability to support life on it because it is a very hot ball of gas that would burn you right as you step on it
Ability to produce light YES it has the ability to make light because it uses gas and hydrogen to burn and make light
3 facts about the sun The sun is a star It is the biggest thing in the solar system It is the closest star to earth
Sources Solar Green