Life During the Depression 11.2 & 11.3 Notes US History
Depression Worsens By 1933, thousands of ______________________ and millions were ___________________. Many had to go to ________________________ for meals. Americans could not pay their_____________ or rent and lost their homes. Were often evicted. Many homeless built shacks in ___________________ which were often called ___________________, because they blamed him for their troubles. __________, or homeless Americans wandered the streets and searched for ____________________.
The Dust Bowl As crop prices went down, many could not afford to keep their ___________________. A terrible drought in the ___________________ caused the region to become a __________________.
Escaping the Depression Americans escaped the _______________ of the Depression by going to the ____________ and listening to the radio. People like stories where others _____________________. Great Garbo, Groucho Marx. Walt Disney released its first full-length animated film, _________________, in ____________________ and Gone with the Wind were released in the late 1930’s. ___________________ became popular with housewives. Name came from laundry soap sponsors.
Art During the Depression Artists and writers tried to capture the ______________________ of the Depression in their work. Grant Wood was a famous artist, __________________ photographed “Migrant Mother”, and showed __________________________ in their work. John Steinbeck wrote “________________ ____________” about a family fleeing the Dust Bowl for a new life in California.
Migrant Mother By: Dorthea Lange
Promoting Recovery President Hoover tried to get the heads of banks, businesses, and government to get together to keep _____________________ and _____________________. Hoover increased ________________, which were government-financed building projects. Yet Hoover refused to increase ___________________ to get the recovery moving quickly.
Pumping Money into Economy Hoovers attempts to fix problems: Tried to put more ______________________________ Set up ________, the National Credit Corporation, to help _____________________. Set up ________, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, to __________________ to banks and railroads. (None were successful!) He opposed letting the federal government give ________________________ to the people Emergency Relief and Construction Act was passed to ___________________________ money and for states loans.
In An Angry Mood By 1931, discontent often led to _________________________. Looting, marches, and _____________________ began. Angry that their farms were being foreclosed on. “_________________”- veterans who wanted their $1,000 war bonuses early marched to Washington DC. Hoover _____________________ with them.