1 South Parade, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 2DY, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) ALAN AULD GROUP LTD The design of a pan-European Infrastructure for Large Apparatus studying Grand Unification and Neutrino Astrophysics LAGUNA D2.4 Frejus [Water Cherenkov] Site Cern May 26 –
1 South Parade, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 2DY, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) ALAN AULD GROUP LTD 1.Design Summary 2.Programme Summary 3.Costing Summary
1 South Parade, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 2DY, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) ALAN AULD GROUP LTD The Final Frejus Site Layout
1 South Parade, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 2DY, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) ALAN AULD GROUP LTD
1 South Parade, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 2DY, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) ALAN AULD GROUP LTD Tank Design Statistics Excavation – Top Down Construction Bottom Up Concrete Construction (<60,000m3/142,000t per tank) Walls mm thick Stainless Steel Deck (830t) Domed Roof/Domed Base Permanent O/H Crane 65m Diameter x 100m Tall (u/s of Deck) Volume = 331,830m3 Roof/Walls and Base lined with PMT’s (68,000/Tank)
1 South Parade, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 2DY, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) ALAN AULD GROUP LTD The Frejus Experiment Water Cherenkov only (WCh) Nothing else worldwide exists on this scale Almost 1 mile of rock cover above 7km of dedicated new build tunnel required for access to caverns Lombardi Design (Excavation Works and Tanks) 2 x 33,846t water mass tanks built concurrently 138,000 PMT’s required for both tanks Location – French/Italian Border adjacent to existing Road Tunnels and LSM Laboratory Distance from Cern – 130km
1 South Parade, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 2DY, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) ALAN AULD GROUP LTD Programme Summary
1 South Parade, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 2DY, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) ALAN AULD GROUP LTD Phase 1 (Year 1 – 6) Surface Works Consents/Access Agreements Site Establishment 7km Access Tunnel Connection Tunnel to Road Tunnel as Emergency Escape. Ancilliary Tunnels/Caverns
1 South Parade, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 2DY, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) ALAN AULD GROUP LTD Phase 2 (Year 6 – 13) Excavation of both main caverns Concrete lining of both Caverns Air lift decks and secure
1 South Parade, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 2DY, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) ALAN AULD GROUP LTD Phase 3 (Years 7 – 15) Procurement of PMT’s Installation of PMT’s and Support Structures Filling of Tanks with Ultra Pure Water Commissioning of equipment
1 South Parade, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 2DY, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) ALAN AULD GROUP LTD Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
1 South Parade, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 2DY, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) ALAN AULD GROUP LTD Costing Summary
1 South Parade, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 2DY, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) ALAN AULD GROUP LTD ElementCost% of Total Enabling Works€1,500, Tunnel Excavation€90,300, Vent Shafts (2)€9,800, Aux Caverns€10,000, Main Caverns (2)146,400, Misc Infrastructure Works €15,000, Tanks Decks (2)€45,500, Detectors€327,300, Liquid Infrastructure€12,000, Commissioning€1,500, TOTAL€658,300,000100% Principal Cost Breakdown
1 South Parade, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 2DY, UK Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) ALAN AULD GROUP LTD Cost Expenditure Summary 29% of Cost First Half €190m 71% of Cost Second Half €468m