Vegetables Low in FAT! And Low in CALORIES!
How much do I need? 2 ½ cups per day 1 cup of raw or cooked vegetables or vegetable juice, or 2 cups of raw leafy greens can be considered as 1 cup from the Vegetable Group.
Nutrients Potassium: Helps to maintain healthy blood pressure
Potassium Found in: Sweet Potatoes Potatoes White Beans
Nutrients Dietary Fiber: Helps reduce cholesterol levels
Dietary Fiber Found in: Navy Beans White Beans Artichoke
Nutrients Folate: Helps the body form red blood cells
Nutrients Vitamin A: Keeps eyes and skin healthy, Protects against infection
Vitamin A Found In: Sweet potato Pumpkin Carrots
Nutrients Vitamin E: Helps protect Vitamin A & essential fatty acids from cell oxidation
Vitamin E Found In: Turnip Greens Carrot Juice
Nutrients Vitamin C: Helps heal cuts and wounds, Keeps teeth and gums healthy
Vitamin C Found In: Green Peppers Brussels Sprouts Broccoli