Location-Aware,Time-Aware,User-aware, Device-Aware. The user make avail location-aware computing Through PDA.
Basic data services. Transactional services. Map based services. Filter. Zoom. Translate.
Corse-Grained System. Accurcies on the order of meter. Suitable for outdoor areas. Fine-Grained System. Accuracies on the order of centimeters. Suitable for both with higher accuracies.
End Users. Rover Clients. Wireless Acess infrastructure. Servers: Rover Controller. Location Server. Media streaming unit. Rover Database. Logger.
Fine-Grained Real-Time Application-Spacific scheduling. Servers: Primary Server. Secondary Server.
User Info base. Content Info base. Transaction. Lock Acquiring. Blocking. Avoiding Deadlocks.
Location Interface. Admin Interface. Content Interface. Back-End Interface. Server Assistants Interface. Transport Interface.
Automic Unit. Server Operation: Ready to run. Running. Blocked.
Management And Execution Of Action: Init(action id,function ptr) Run(action id, function ptr, deadline, deadline failed handler ptr) Cancel(action id,cancel handler ptr)
Scenario A has 10,000 processor-bound server operations where computation is interleaved with file write operations. Scenario B has 100 I/O bound server operations where computation is interleaved with network I/O interactions.
PDA(Personal Digital Assistance) A PDA is a hand held computer, also known as a palmtop computer. PDAs can access the Internet, Intranet or extranet via Wi-Fi, or Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWANs).
System Admin Operation. User Access Operations. Query Operations. Location Update Operation. Audio Chat Operations.
The multi-rover system is a collection of ndependent rover systems that peer with each other to provide the seamless connectivity to the users. The design of a multi-rover system is similar to the Mobile IP solution to provide network mobility to devices. Authentication. Service level agreements.
The short and long term projects of this paradigm:- Experiment with limited capability devices. Location aware Streaming Devices. Interact with cellular providers and implement this mechanisms on cellular interface. Multi-Rover System.