Birth Control
Emergency contraception pills can reduce the chance of a pregnancy by 75% if taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex! Did You Know:
Types of Birth Control l Barrier l IUD l Withdrawal(“Pulling Out”) l Permanent sterilization
Barrier Method l Barrier methods of contraception work by creating a physical barrier between sperm and egg cells so that fertilization cannot occur. The most common forms of barrier contraception are condoms (male and female), diaphragm, cervical cap, and contraceptive spongecondoms
IUD Method l An IUD is a small, T-shaped plastic device that is wrapped in copper or contains hormones. l Types: l 1. Hormonal IUDThe hormonal IUD, such as Mirena or Skyla, releases levonorgestrel, which is a form of the hormone progestinprogestin l 2. Copper IUD. The most commonly used IUD is the copper IUD (such as Paragard)..
Withdrawal(“Pulling Out”) l Withdrawal, also knows as “coitus interruptus,” is the removal of the penis from a partner’s vagina before ejaculation, or coming. l Using this Method l To ensure no sperm enter the vagina during sex, the male partner should urinate and wipe the tip of the penis before intercourse.
Side-effects l Breast tenderness l Nausea l Increase in headaches l Moodiness l Weight change l Spotting
Abstinence method l In terms of birth control, abstinence means not allowing sperm near the woman's body below the waist. l Advantages: l Abstinence is free, available to all, and can be started at any time in one's life l Abstinence may encourage people to build relationships in other ways - there are ways to be intimate with someone that don't involve sexual activity
Taking the Pill l Once a day at the same time everyday l Use condoms for first month l Use condoms when on antibiotics l Use condoms for 1 week if you miss a pill or take one late l The pill offers no protection from STD’s
Conclusion In our interview we therefore conclude that many of us use/practice the Birth Control Method to avoid pregnancy. We implement this method so that we control giving birth and this is the best way to control/regulate the population of the Philippines, because one of the problem of the Philippines is the over population. By using/practicing the Birth Control Method help the country control the population, and in that case it cannot case to poverty. Most people are using the method withdrawal and contraceptives