1. Describe the changes in the world during the 1920’s and 1930’s including changes in technology and the roles of women. 2. List and explain Hitler’s three main goals for Germany as defined in his book.
I. World Drifts to War A. Militarists Take Control of Japan Great Depression struck Japan in 1930’s military gained support, took over gov’t kept Emperor Hirohito as head of state, but he had no real power Japan wanted to solve its problems through expansion- planned on conquering China to gain raw materials
B. Japan Invades Manchuria Japan invaded Manchuria (on Chinese mainland)- very rich in coal first direct challenge to League of Nations league protested, Japan responded by w/drawing from League
C. Mussolini Attacks Ethiopia League’s failure to stop Japan encouraged Mussolini Mussolini invaded Ethiopia- League condemned invasion but didn’t stop it Britain/France believed if they allowed Italy to have Ethiopia, Europe would remain at peace- demonstrated new policy of appeasement- giving in to demands in order to maintain peace
D. Hitler Defies Versailles Treaty Hitler slowly began to break Treaty of Versailles: (1) Hitler challenged restrictions on army size- began rearmament with no interference from League of Nations (2) invaded Rhineland, claiming German speaking ppl there wished to be a part of Germany again
He was not challenged by either Britain/France= strengthened Hitler’s power w/in Germany began to speed up military and territorial expansion Hitler’s growing strength encouraged Italy and Japan to join in an alliance w/ Germany= Axis Powers
II. Western Democracies Fail to Halt Aggression Britain/France, hoping to keep peace, repeatedly don’t challenge Germany’s/Italy’s territorial expansions= appeasement A. United States Follows an Isolationist Policy U.S. policy of isolationism—belief that political ties to other countries should be avoided believed WWI was too costly= US ban on loans/sales of arms to nations at war
B. The German Reich Expands After taking Rhineland, Hitler planned to take more land to create Third Reich (Empire) (3) March 12th, German troops march into Austria unopposed- Germany announces the “anschluss,” (union) complete U.S. and rest of world do nothing to stop Germany
C. Bargaining for the Sudetenland 3 million German-speakers in Sudetenland; Hitler (falsely) claims Czechs abuse Sudeten Germans, sends troops to border France/GB had promised to protect Czechoslovakia- 1938, Prime Ministers Daladier (France) & Chamberlain (GB) meet w/ Hitler Sept sign Munich Agreement, (4) gives Sudetenland to Germany in exchange for promise that this would be Hitler’s “last territorial demand”
Chamberlain claims he has ensured “peace for our time” Winston Churchill condemns appeasement- warns war will follow (5) Six months later Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia As Axis powers moved unchecked in 1930’s, war appeared inevitable
In your Journal- create a timeline of Hitler’s 5 treaty violations