THE EAR Copy the white notes Pugs Tell your seat partner everything you know about ears!
1. 1.Pinna AKA “Auricle” Acts like a funnel to catch sound waves and pass them down the ear canal
Genetics- Ear Lobes! Which lobe is this: Ask your partner to look at yours!
2. 2.Ear Canal Tunnel Directs sound waves to middle ear
Dogs have ear canals too! Improve air circulation in your pups ear by shaving the fur around ear (prevents ear infections) Don’t worry humans don’t require any shaving around the ear!
3. 3.Ear Drum “tympanic membrane” Thin, stretched across ear canal Vibrates when sound hits it
Punctures are often made by cotton q-tips Leave middle ear unprotected and susceptible to infections Membrane similar to skin and repairs in a similar way NORMAL EAR DRUM Ruptured EAR DRUM Punctured EAR DRUM
If you are odd numbered… Summarize the external ear Even numbered students… Add to their responses
Middle Ear Bones 3 tiny bones that act as a series of levers that transfer vibrations from one place to another 1 st Hammer (malleus) 2 nd Anvil (incus) 3 rd Stirrup (stapes)
4. 4.Hammer AKA “malleus” 1 st of 3 tiny bones Moves when eardrum vibrates Hits anvil
5. 5.Anvil AKA “incus” 2 nd tiny bone Hits stirrup after hammer hits it
How was the anvil named? An anvil is a heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering The first anvils were large, flat rocks. Both the Egyptian and Viking cultures used such stone anvils Archeologists have found meteorites that were used as anvils in the Egyptian and Greek cultures, even though they were predominantly Bronze age cultures, and iron forging was somewhat rare.
6. 6.Stirrup AKA “stapes” 3 rd tiny bone Vibrates against the thin membrane covering inner ear
All three middle ear bones fit inside of a dime!
If you are even numbered… Summarize the middle ear Odd numbered students… Add to their responses
Now its time for the HEARING lab: Set this table up for the lab in your notebook: #GuessActual
7. 7.Cochlea Bony, fluid- filled spiral Lined with sound receptor cells
Snail shaped structure…no you do not have a snail in your ear!
8. 8.Auditory Nerve Nerve carries the signal of sound waves from the cochlea to the brain (cerebrum)
Where does the message go?
9. 9.Semicircular Canals 3 fluid filled ducts in inner ear lined with tiny cells with hairlike extensions Control your sense of balance Message sent to cerebellum
If you are odd numbered… Share something you learned about the inner ear If you are even numbered… Share something else you learned about the inner ear GO BACK AND FORTH!
Why do your ears pop? “ Changing altitude (going up or down) affects the pressure of the air (gas) in your ears. Luckily, your middle ear is connected to the back of your nose by a tube called the eustachian tube. The eustachian tube acts like a pressure valve and opens to make sure the air pressure is the same on both sides of your eardrum. When it opens you feel a pop!”
Long Eared Jorboa Don’t be shy about your ears! HOLD THEM UP PROUD!
SpeciesApproximate Range (Hz) human64-23,000 dog67-45,000 cat45-64,000 cow23-35,000 horse55-33,500 sheep100-30,000 rabbit360-42,000 rat200-76,000 mouse1,000-91,000 gerbil100-60,000 guinea pig54-50,000 hedgehog250-45,000 raccoon100-40,000 ferret16-44,000 opossum500-64,000 chinchilla90-22,800 bat2, ,000 beluga whale1, ,000 elephant16-12,000 porpoise75-150,000 goldfish20-3,000 catfish 50-4,000 tuna 50-1,100 bullfrog 100-3,000 tree frog50-4,000 canary 250-8,000 parakeet 200-8,500 cockatiel250-8,000 owl ,000 chicken 125-2,000
Kids vs Adults Low to High Frequencies ASL Waiting on the world to change... Waiting, World, Change Sign Language
FILL IN THE BLANKS 1.The ear has___ sections and ___ parts. 2.The outer ear stops at the _______. 3.The middle ear has ____ small bones. 4.They are called the _________, the ____, and the ______. 5.The small bones in the middle ear move very fast. They _______. 6.The ________ is shaped like a snail’s shell. 7.The cochlea is filled with___________. 8.The _________ helps control balance.
Answers! 1.3,9 2.Ear drum or tympanic membrane Hammer, anvil, stirrup 5.Vibrate 6.Cochlea 7.Fluid and sound receptor cells 8.Semi circular canals
The End Now study the ear labels