5 GAME CHANGERS FOR COLLEGE COMPLETION 1.Performance Funding 2.Corequisite Remediation 3.Full-Time is 15 4.Structured Schedules 5. Guided Pathways to Success
PRIOR TO ACADEMIC PATHWAYS # of CIPs reported by colleges ranged from 1 to 48 2-, 4-, or 6-digit CIP First 2 are content areas Second 2 are general focus Third 2 are detailed program classifications (used by IHL) Students could enroll in random courses
CLASSIFICATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMS 09) COMMUNICATION, JOURNALISM, AND RELATED PROGRAMS. 09.01) Communication and Media Studies ) Communication and Media Studies. ) Communication, General ) Communication, General. ) Speech Communication and Rhetoric ) Speech Communication and Rhetoric. ) Mass Communication/Media Studies ) Mass Communication/Media Studies. ) Communication and Media Studies, Other ) Communication and Media Studies, Other. 09.04) Journalism ) Journalism. ) Journalism ) Journalism. ) Broadcast Journalism ) Broadcast Journalism. ) Photojournalism ) Photojournalism. ) Journalism, Other ) Journalism, Other. 09.07) Radio, Television, and Digital Communication ) Radio, Television, and Digital Communication. ) Radio and Television ) Radio and Television. ) Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia ) Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia. ) Radio, Television, and Digital Communication, Other ) Radio, Television, and Digital Communication, Other.
K-12 DATA All students (beginning in the 7 th grade) take the iCAP (Individual Career and Academic Plan) iCAP results place them in one of 16 career clusters Beginning in the 9 th grade their iCAP scores impact their course electives All juniors will take the ACT So – what does that mean for our community and junior colleges? We will know in the student’s 11 th grade year his/her career interest and if they are ready for college level work.
ICAP SCREEN SHOTS iCAP Career Cluster Electives Personal Finance Business Finance Accounting Fundamentals, etc.
INDUSTRY, MANUFACTURING, & CONSTRUCTION Agriculture, Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences Natural Resources and Conservation Architecture and Related Services Engineering Technologies and Related Fields
STEM Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services Engineering
STEM Biological and Biomedical Sciences Mathematics and Statistics Physical Sciences
NEW DATA OPPORTUNITIES Ability to capture the content areas of academic students Economic development and industry information Used strategically for funding requests Incorporated into outcomes and measures Ability to enroll AA students in structured degree plans and not just individual courses Supports advisement of students Prevents students from meandering through courses if classified as undecided or general studies Ability to capture and use data to recruit and remediate (if needed) while students are in their senior year of high school Can be as inclusive or as exclusive as the community colleges want CJC Academic Pathway will be included in the MATT (MS Articulation & Transfer Tool)
Audra Love Kimble Mississippi Community College Board Associate Executive Director for Academic and Student Affairs The mission of the Mississippi Community College Board is to advance the community college system through coordination, support, leadership, and advocacy.