HMA Slide 1 Heterogeneous Missions Accessibility Follow On Pier Giorgio Marchetti - European Space Agency


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Presentation transcript:

HMA Slide 1 Heterogeneous Missions Accessibility Follow On Pier Giorgio Marchetti - European Space Agency

HMA Slide 2 HMA-FO KO Draft Agenda 1-2 ESRIN Conference Room James Cook 24 June 2009  ESA h 9.30 welcome high level objectives relationship with other projects project deliverables additional input and requirements from HMA AWG Project Communication IPR  Task 1 to Task minutes presentation each addressing clarifications to contract (send any question in advance!!!) consortium structure proposed work plan (technical description and management/consortium description) list of deliverables/software and their mapping on the project milestones and in which status (draft, final). agreement on ITT requirements (collocation of meetings, participation of HMA AWG to reviews, support to ESA provided by Spacebel) target standardisation level identified risks

HMA Slide 3 HMA-FO KO Draft Agenda 2-2  Spacebel presentation of lessons learned from previous contracts and proposed approach use of the wiki, proposed structure of the wiki pages, deliverables and reporting alignment of OGC testing terminology to newest ECSS 40 use of TEAM engine and CTL scripts, approach for configuration management collocation meetings: proposed schedule / analysis of possible approaches management of RIDs Identified risks  lunch break h  Task 1-4 technical presentation by each of the standard expert (max 30 minutes) The presentation shall address as well technical risks ( this can be a teleconference with people attending the OGC TC meeting in Boston)  h 16 Wrap up and AOB  h 17 end of meeting

HMA Slide 4 HMA-FO High level objectives  to continue the work initiated within the HMA project addressing some specific standardisation needs which emerged in following areas: The extension of the EO product metadata which in its current version covers optical and radar products to address radar altimeter and limb looking products. The completion of the work performed on the specification of the feasibility analysis service (Sensor Planning Service) to specify unambiguously the interactions, and align the specification with the evolving OGC “SWE common” and SPS specifications. The design and implementation of a “demonstration and test” feasibility analysis server. The review and update as necessary of standards for online data access. The suitability of the use of standards addressing tiling and coverages should be analyzed and applicability verified both to optical and radar products. Address the GMES Space Component (GSC) Data Access issues on how to handle datasets or collections. The assessment of the impact of changes on the Sensor Planning Service on the HMA order, the update of the HMA order specification and the development of an HMA order reference server.  Furthermore this project shall address any GSC Data Access requirement for the standards which are subject of this SoW.

HMA Slide 5 Related projects  GSC Implementation at ESA  HMA-T  GIGAS Support Action see specific tasks GIGAS Methodology European SIF  ERGO  Other EC FP& projects  GEOSS

HMA Slide 6 Project Deliverables 1-3  From the SoW “Document Deliverables” … The Contractor shall use the HMA wiki where HMA-FO project specific pages shall be created, for information exchange, outreach and reporting. Where confidentiality is required, shall be used for the delivery of working versions of the deliverables The Contractor shall deliver two (2) CD-ROM(s) with consolidated and/or accepted versions at each project review meeting. …

HMA Slide 7 Project Deliverables 2-3  From the SoW “ Software Deliverables” … Any COTS software item shall be procured using the project’s funds and according to the procurement plan. Any software package shall be delivered on the electronic medium agreed with the ESA Technical Officer. The Software shall be delivered as Open Source software. The Agency intends to use this open source software in future projects (e.g. Geo Portal, HMA Implementation, SSE...). The Software delivered within this contract should be made available on sourceforge or equivalent open source environment.. …

HMA Slide 8 Project Deliverables 2-3  To be added to minutes of KO meeting “ Software Deliverables” Modifications to the TEAM engine shall be made available on Northrop Grumman Corporation’s teamengine pages on sourceforge

HMA Slide 9 Project Deliverables 3-3  To be added to minutes of KO meeting “ Software Deliverables” New CTL scripts and any modifications to the existing ones shall be made available on OGC’s “HMA project” svn on Action to communicate to PGM name of staff to be added to the HMA project at OGC. The HMA project files will be made available as public files as soon as accepted within the relevant contract

HMA Slide 10 HMA AWG  HMA AWG may participate to project reviews (action ESA + all) to draft and agree upon the HMA FO review procedure  Additional input and requirements: HMA-FO Task 1 workshop to be organised on 29 September either at Fraunhofer or EUMETSAT Action ESA (JM) circulate a spreadsheet for conformance levels. Action DLR additional input for HMA-FO Task 4 Standing order Action EMSA and ESA to organise a joint meeting with MyOcean with the objective  to present the (GIGAS methodology)  to discuss interoperability requirements e.g. EMSA needs to access chlorophyll products  to address MyOcean requirements in WCS

HMA Slide 11 Project Communication Use of the HMA Wiki (see presentation from YC), Use of forum and Blog is welcome! etiquette: please use forum for discussion on technical issues Communication within RWG or SWG as necessary, use OGC’s CRs (Change Requests) to document request for changes in OGC documents  action YC to provide OGC with high level “standardisation” requirements  Action all consortia to provide input to YC Any other project communication, papers press releases etc. shall be drawn up in consultation with the Agency see clause 9 “Publicity Relating to Contracts” of GENERAL CLAUSES AND CONDITIONS FOR ESA CONTRACTS (ESA/C/290, rev. 6) Consortia are expected to always perform responsible communication avoiding to stress or to minimize issues and risks. Risks shall be identified and mitigation actions taken as necessary and traced in the PMP and monthly reports. Mixing the communication on future activities (desirable, planned, etc. … ) with current project objectives shall be avoided!

HMA Slide 12 Intellectual Property Rights OGC IPR policy applies “de facto” on all work performed within the OGC ESA has an action to clarify with OGC any possible issue related to OGC IPR policy, possibly a mini- workshop may be organised in March 2010 in ESRIN Contractors shall inform the Agency on any related issue they may identify (action all) NOTE:  For the scope of the current contract Consortia are free to decide which is the IPR policy (mozilla, gnu, …) and the repository (google, sourceforge, …) where software will be delivered