Fundamentals of Software Development 1Slide 1 Team management What can you do to help your team work effectively?What can you do to help your team work effectively? –Know how to reach each other , IM, cell phone, whatever the team agrees to , IM, cell phone, whatever the team agrees to –Build trust in each other –Maintain a written task list of who is to do what, by when –For each meeting, have an agenda and take minutes –Work by consensus, not command –Take on roles –Brainstorm Next slides and exercise Sit with your MiniProject team. Introduce yourselves. What is a strength that you bring to the team? Before you leave today Beginning next session
Fundamentals of Software Development 1Slide 2 Roles What are some roles that might be helpful in meetings? – –Facilitator Ensures that the meeting stays focused and on task – –Recorder Writes down and distributes decisions and key points of discussion – –Timekeeper Each agenda item should have a time limit Timekeeper warns when the time is close / exceeded – –The team then decides whether to: Put the item in the Issue Bin (for a subsequent meeting) Take time away from another item Extend the time allocated for the meeting – –Encourager “Joe, what do you think of that idea?”“Joe, what do you think of that idea?” – (“devil’s advocate”) –Contrarian (“devil’s advocate”) Prevents group-think: “I’m not sure that will work. Might blah be a problem?”Prevents group-think: “I’m not sure that will work. Might blah be a problem?” Everyone is a team member: Participates fully to solve the tasks These and other roles can be shared and rotated.
Fundamentals of Software Development 1Slide 3 Brainstorming Helps get ideas out on the table. Two rules: – –Rule 1: Generate and record ideas If you are stuck, try tricks like: – –“What is a blue solution to our problem?” – –Look around the room for inspiration – –Free associate – –Rule 2: No squashing Exercise on Roles and Brainstorming: 1. 1.Instructor, assign roles for each team: Facilitator, Recorder, Timekeeper & Encourager 2. 2.Take 90 seconds to brainstorm how to make your mini project cool and unique 3.Take 20 seconds to choose one of your brainstormed ideas to share with the class 4.Share the ideas (one per team)