Near Real-Time Status of MODIS and VIIRS Land products Ed Masuoka, NASA/GSFC 619 Gang Ye, Carol Davidson, Sadashiva Devadiga and Jeff Schmaltz, SSAI/GSFC 619
Updates on Collection 6 reprocessing LANCE UWG, 29th April 2015 Reprocessing of C6 Level 1 and Atmosphere products finished in March 2015 for both Aqua and Terra Reprocessing of Tier 1 Land products is underway and has been completed through 2005 with exception of Wan’s LST, BRDF/Albedo and Vegetation Indices which are being redone and have completed through 2001 Tier 1 reprocessing is on track to be completed in 2015 Expect to receive final approval to release from Vegetation Indices PI by Science Team Meeting (May 14 th ) Reprocessing of Tier 2 products (MAIAC, LST-Hook, Snow, VCF, Land Cover Conversion, ET and Burned Area) waiting on PGE delivery or large-scale tests at the end of Tier 1 reprocessing 2
C6 Near Real Time MODIS products LANCE UWG, 29th April 2015 All C6 NRT products are being produced on NRT3 with the exception of L3 Value-added Aerosol Optical Depth (Hyer) software update expected in June and Rolling BRDF (Schaaf) needs NRT version of software Data product latency is less than 3 hours for C6 L2 products on NRT3 Will release C6 NRT products once Tier 1 Land products are released at DAACs 3
VIIRS Corrected Reflectance status VIIRS Corrected Reflectance (CR) and Active Fire are running in test mode on NRT3. Using IDPS RDRs as inputs the latency of VIIRS CR and Fire products is ~3 hours 10 minutes Jeff Schmaltz is developing software to generate VIIRS CR GIBS imagery LANCE UWG, 29th April 20154
VIIRS Surface Reflectance Status Run times for the processing chain from L0 -> SDR -> Cloud Mask -> Aerosols -> Land Surface Reflectance falls outside latency requirement VIIRS Surface Reflectance is being modified by Eric Vermote and Jim Ray to eliminate dependency on some ancillary data Need to achieve additional speed up with EDOS delivery of Session-based L0 LANCE UWG, 29th April 20155
VIIRS Additional Schedule NASA’s VIIRS SDR software will be ready in July We prefer to make VIIRS NRT products from the NASA SDR since this will be used by Science Team standard products. Schedule for VIIRS product release will be clearer after the MODIS-VIIRS Science Team meeting in May LANCE UWG, 29th April 20156