The LR Group Academic Solutions Assessment as an integral part of the learning process
Three themes 1. Reliability of the system (Architecture & Recovery) 2. Integration with curriculum (Mapping, Grading, & Remediation) 3. Ease of use (Flexibility, Documentation, & Support)
Architecture Hosted Assessment Solutions3 Data transfer Only occurs before and after testing, never during. Records Are online: Available anytime – anywhere Testing Is on the client – software size is 10 Mb Reliability
Crash recovery Hosted Assessment Solutions4 Record is kept up until the last question answered prior to crash. Student is presented with the “next” question upon re-launch. Reliability
Integration with curriculum Hosted Assessment Solutions5 Mapping Grading Remediation The major benefit of dtiMetrics is the learning value added to the learner and the relevance of the analytical tools offered to the instructor
Hosted Assessment Solutions6 Tests and Mapping Integration
Hosted Assessment Solutions7 Mapping tests to Axzo Press texts Client Server Integration
Learning Integration Axzo Press Security Hosted Assessment Solutions8 Integration
Hosted Assessment Solutions9 Grading Excel Basic Exam1 (Units 1 -4) Unit 1: Getting started Unit 2: Entering and editing data Unit 3: Modifying a worksheet Unit 4: Using functions Integration
Grades as seen by the instructor Hosted Assessment Solutions10 Average grade per class: Average grade per student. Integration
Grades as seen by the student Hosted Assessment Solutions11 Average grade per class: Integration Grade per test. In this case what the “Word for Beginners” class average is made up of.
Grade per Learning Objective Hosted Assessment Solutions12 Integration Can be per: Learning objective – Standardized test objective – - Learning object – Chapter/Unit etc…
Remediation Plan Hosted Assessment Solutions13 Integration Remediates Back to the text down to page number if appropriate. Available To both the student and the instructor. Print it! Built printer friendly, won’t empty your color cartridges.
Class Matrix – What can we do better? Hosted Assessment Solutions14 Integration Answers questions such as: Does any student not belong in this class? Does an exam question need more attention? Does any topic area need more attention? Does any two students Have identical profiles?
When to test Hosted Assessment Solutions15 The instructor decides when the class is ready to test. The instructor decides what the grade really should be as other factors than test results can affect the grade: Class participation credits, extra assignment credits etc. Integration
Hosted Assessment Solutions16 Interactive questions Integration
Hosted Assessment Solutions17 In application exercises Integration
Ease of Use Hosted Assessment Solutions18 Flexibility Documentation Support
Requires no IT infrastructure No setup No setup No DB management No DB management No Server management No Server management Hosted Assessment Solutions19 Ease of use dtiMetrics is already up and running for any institution needing it
No college administrator required If need be the instructor can manage all aspects of dtiMetrics without involvement from anyone else at the institution. Hosted Assessment Solutions20 Ease of use
Hosted Assessment Solutions21 Permission levels Enterprise The LR Group Administrator The LR Group’s customer Instructor Student Ease of use Alternate route Default route
Hosted Assessment Solutions22 Login page Ease of use Students Can be enrolled by the instructor/administrator or they can self enroll. Support and Manual Both are available before a student attempts the first logon.
Student home page Hosted Assessment Solutions23 Only three navigation areas All possible selections are explained Ease of use
Hosted Assessment Solutions24 Easy student navigation Self explanatory click through Context sensitive help on every page Ease of use
Instructor Resources Hosted Assessment Solutions25 Answer Key Instructor Manual Context sensitive help Online support, training and download site Software tutorial
Next Questions? Questions? Next steps? Next steps? Hosted Assessment Solutions26