Te-Wei Wang Online Class Management
Online Learning is not silver bullet StrengthWeakness Anywhere, Anytime, Any - pace Synergy Student Center Level playing field Creative teaching High quality dialogue Accessibility The limit of technology Bad for dependent learner Hard to create supportive environment Disruptive Not for all courses
The Tales of Two Cities InstructorLearner Concern about quality Minimal Effort Lost Control Resistance to Technology Requires Support Desire Flexibility Individual Attention Feeling of detachment Resistance to Technology Requires Support
Sloan-C Effective Practices
Online Course Cannot be Taught, It is Delivered!
Students cannot be controlled. They can be motivated!
Push Contests through Assignment Pull Attention through Assessment
Students Contribute Teachers Facilitate
Students reuse. Instructor research!
Students Interact. Instructor interlace!
Practicum Organizing Materials in the Online Environment (Blackboard©) Assignment Design Multi-Media Group ePortfolio Assessment Grading Rubrics Structured Feedbacks