Challenges for Novice Principals: Facing 21 st - Century Issues in School Administration Dr. Andrea Beam Dr. Russ Claxton Dr. Samuel Smith Liberty University Lynchburg, VA
Research Question What are the perceptions of both new and experienced school leaders regarding the challenges faced during their first three years in leadership positions?
Top 10 Challenges* 1. Paperwork (including electronic) 2. Observations and Evaluations 3. Student Discipline 4. Time Management *Like terms combined 5. Master Schedule 6. Special Education 7. School Finance 8. Faculty Relations 9. Staff Relations 10. Parent Relations
Methodology Participants consisted of candidates enrolled in an educational leadership program, but already serving in a school leadership role (public or private). Participants were asked to complete a survey about administrative challenges faced during the first three years in the position. The dual purposes of this investigation were (1) to increase understanding of role challenges and expectations of novice principals and (2) to compare whether the realities or the perceptions of those realities changed over time with longevity.
Methodology Likert-scale Survey Questions 1. What is the highest level of education you have completed? Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D. or Ed.D., Other (please specify) 2. What is your current position? Assistant Principal, Principal, Other School Level Administrator (please specify) 3. How many years have you served as a school administrator? 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, More than 3 years 4. How would you describe your current school placement? Public school, Private school, Online school, Other (please specify) 5. As a new school leader, please rate the degree to which each of the following tasks was a challenge for you during the first three years of your leadership: 1 = No challenge2 = A minor challenge 3 = Somewhat of a challenge 4 = A definite challenge 5 = A great challenge PaperworkStaff Relations Parent RelationsObservations/Evaluations Student DisciplineTime Management Master ScheduleSpecial Education School FinanceFaculty Relations
Results Figure 1. Perceived Challenges of Present Novice School Leaders (yrs. < 3)
Results Figure 2. Experienced School Leaders Recall Challenges of Their Novice Years (yrs. > 3)
Likert-scale Results School finance was more of a perceived challenge for experienced leaders than novice leaders Paperwork was more of a perceived challenge for novice leaders than experienced leaders Time management was a top 3 challenge for both groups. This includes managing job responsibilities as well as personal life (participants are all grad students).
Likert-scale Results Some aspects of leadership seem less difficult with experience (i.e. student discipline). Some aspects of school leadership become more difficult with greater understanding (i.e. budget) “Big picture” tasks are perceived to present more of a challenge than people, although people problems are exhausting.
Implications and Themes from Open-ended Question and Focus Groups 6. As a new administrator, what other challenges impacted you within the first three years of your leadership
Implications and Themes “Improvements” can cause more challenges (technology, evaluations, accountability) Extra-curricular Transition into leadership Constant Change (curriculum, culture, society, testing and accountability) Stress
Implications and Themes New school leaders often struggle with the politics of the position. They often feel as though they “don’t know what they don’t know.” They often struggle to gain credibility. The current climate of “instant information” adds to the stress of the job. Their best teacher was “trial and error.”
Implications and Themes Knowing how to improve instruction and learning Being an instructional leader while still having to be a building manager Expectations to know and do “everything” Understanding law, policy, and regulations Mentors formal or informal, are important
Questions or Comments?
Contact Dr. Andrea Beam – Dr. Russ Claxton – Dr. Samuel Smith – Liberty University 1971 University Blvd. Lynchburg, VA (434)