Becky Clarke Amy Moore
Unit vs. Project Unit –a total package that focuses on activities that meet standards that encourage students to take control and manage their own learning includes multiple assessments activities/projects instructional strategies alignment to standards Project- a core activity within the unit
21 st Century Standards Learning and innovation skills Information, media, technology skills Life and career skills
Project Based Learning PBL (project based learning) is a student centered instructional model creates a "constructivist" learning environment in which students construct their own knowledge based on SOL and 21 st century objectives technology used to support learning throughout project work, multiple assessments "old school" model the teacher was the task master "new school" model the teacher becomes the facilitator
Which are you?
Research on PBL Opportunities to develop complex skills Higher order thinking Problem solving Collaboration Communicating Increased attendance, growth in self- reliance, improved attitudes toward learning (Thomas, 2000)
PBL Research cont. “Without focus on the big ideas that have lasting value, students are too easily left with forgettable fragments of knowledge.” (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005, p. 66)
Examples of Unit Plans Enduring Heroes unit example ation/DesignProjects ation/DesignProjects Designing effective projects