AP/Course Selection Information Night February 26, 2013 Ms. Carpenter Director of Counseling Ms. BurnettA – COV Mr. BarrCOW – HAM & AVID Mr. HanHAN – MANU Ms. GuanuMANP – RES Ms. ConnellRET – UPP Ms. FrieUR – Z & ELL
Agenda 7:00PM – 7:30 PM: Review Graduation Requirements/ Scheduling Overview 7:30PM – 8:30 PM: AP Teachers by subject available in Main Hallways 7:30PM – 8:30 PM: Counselors available to discuss: − Courses − College Application Process − Naviance/Family Connection Enrollment
Three Important Terms… LEVELS in English, Social Studies, Science STANDARD CREDIT VERIFIED CREDIT
Standard Diploma (22 credits)-Rising 12 English 4 Math 3 Lab Science 3 Hist/Soc St 3 Health/PE 2 Fine/Prac Arts or Career & Tech 1 Electives 6 (2 sequential)
Standard Diploma (22 credits)-Rising 10/11 English 4 Math 3 Lab Science 3 Hist/Soc St 3 Health/PE 2 World Lang/FA & Tech Ed 2 Econ & Pers Fin 1 Electives 4 (2 sequential)
And Verified Credits 6 2 in English 1 in Mathematics 1 in Lab Science 1 in History/Social Studies 1 from an additional student- selected test
Advanced Studies Diploma (24 credits) – Rising 12 English4 Math4 Lab Science4 Hist/Soc St4 World Lang 3-4 Health/PE 2 FineArts/Career Tech Ed 1 Electives 1-2
English 4 Math 4 Lab Science 4 Hist/Soc St 4 World Lang 3 Health/PE 2 FineArts/Career Tech Ed 1 Econ/Pers Fin 1 Electives3 Advanced Studies Diploma (26 credits) – Rising 10 & 11
And Verified Credits 9 2 in English 2 in Mathematics 2 in Laboratory Science 2 in History/Social Studies 1 from an additional test selected by the student
Scheduling Timeline February 4-8:Teacher Recommendations Feb.19-Feb. 23:THS Classroom Scheduling February 15:Electives Fair Feb. 22-March 1:Naviance open for viewing February 26: AP/Course Selection Night February 28: Teacher Recs Mailed Home Mar. 1-April 30:Counselor/student individual conferences June 28:Last day for schedule changes
Classroom Presentations February 19 – February 22 Counselors visited 9 th, 10 th, and 11 th grade classes to discuss graduation requirements, the scheduling process, and course options for next year. Students made preliminary selections on Naviance/Family Connections. Parents will have opportunity to approve through Naviance. Program of Studies can be printed from the Counseling section on the Tuscarora website or the LCPS website.
Counselor & Student Conferences March 1 – April 30, 2013 Every student will meet with his/her counselor to discuss courses and teacher recommendations. Counselors will help refine student course selections and check graduation requirements. At this time, the student will be instructed to obtain a parent signature for any changes and return to the counselor. Course Requests will be sent home with 3 rd quarter report cards.
Final Course Requests June 28, 2013 is the deadline to change student course requests. Changes after June 28, 2013 may not be possible.
Schedule Changes Academic Level Courses Level changes will be considered on a case-by- case basis after 1 st quarter interims. Many factors are considered: −Student input −Parent input −Counselor input −Overall course load −Teacher feedback −Availability of alternate courses −Post-secondary plans −Individual strengths & weaknesses
Schedule Changes Electives Students who do not receive their first choice in electives may be permitted to make schedule changes. Students who receive their first choice in electives cannot be permitted to change their electives unless extenuating circumstances exist.
Advanced Placement (Rigor, Rigor, Rigor) The Advanced Placement Program (AP) is a cooperative education endeavor with the College Board. AP courses allow students the opportunity to take college-level courses while they are enrolled in high school. Students who enroll in an AP course should expect extensive reading, writing, and critical thinking which generally require additional time. Students are expected to take the nationally standardized AP examinations. Colleges may award academic credit and/or special placement if a student earns a qualifying score on the exam. AP final grades are “weighted” by adding 1.0 to the point value for the grade if the student passes the course.
AP Course Selection Art Studio Eng. Lang & Comp Eng. Lit & Comp French German Latin Spanish Calculus AB Calculus BC Computer Science A Statistics Music Theory Biology Chemistry Physics C World Hist./Geography U.S. History U.S. Gov. & Comp. Gov. Econ. – Macro & Micro Human Geography Psychology
AP Teachers by subject are available to speak with you in the Main Hallway. Counselors are available to discuss: − Courses − College Application Process − Naviance/Family Connection Enrollment