Collaborative Stereoscopic Access Grid Environment If you have any Questions or Comments Please Contact: Martin J. Turner Anja Le Blanc David de Roure A JCSR funded Virtual Research Environment Project The Universities of Manchester and Southampton Virtual Spaces Virtual Spaces within the Access Grid allows for distributed participation in live performances; including transmission, recording and development of 3D content. What is “Presence” within a VEC? Virtual Environment Centres gain presence for users in many ways, but mainly due to creating a large Semi-immersive visualization experience – emphasising on stereoscopic visual cues. Synchronised codecs for both, Anaglyph and Passive stereo display SAGE Sub. £8K Club: Home Brew VEC Construction Stereo Pairs – Viewing the extra dimension within a 3D Tour of Manchester, Loreo Camera stereoscopic capture system 30 th June Component Cost for a home brew system: Computer £1200 inc. £350 nVidia Graphics Card Projectors 2x NEC LT 245 XGA 2200 Lumen projectors unit price £1340+VAT: £3149 Filters linear polarized Cokin 4" acrylic filters + holders + projector holder mounts: £82.97 Glasses linear polarized "aviator style" plastic glasses: £10.00 each or card (10 pk): £6.99 Projector Stand Including portable handle and adjustable mounts: £950 Screen including Stand Front Projection Silver screen 70“: £295 Back Projection and frame – not finalized Tracking System Okay, about £10K or more Capture Camera Still Loreo Lens in a Cap £ depending on camera and mount Capture Camera Video Dual tripod: £60 Mixed use of dual webcams etc £ depending on choice Fire wire synchronised cameras being ordered/tested ~£1000 User Group: Talks, demos, and builders, from the Sciences to the Arts Andrew Hugill (Centre for Creative Technology and MTIRG, De Montfort University) Paul Sermon/Mathias Fuchs (Creative Technology, School of Art and Design, Salford University) Howell Istance (Leicester VEC, De Montfort University) Kevin Tan (Material Sciences, University of Manchester) Rob Gawthorpe (Earth Sciences, University of Manchester) Jonathan Bunt (Japan Centre North West, University of Manchester) via David De Roure, Archeology (University of Southampton) Tim Ikin (Jodrell Bank Observatory) Karen Grainger (Stereoscopic Society) Martin Richardson (Holographics) Open Sessions: 3 rd March Fixed Passive Stereo launch, 30 th June VR Show – Manchester geowall launch Next pre-demo sessions before SIGGRAPH and SC Global March – mini workshop for launch of eScience Passive stereo AG room February – scientific multi-geowall distributed 3D turbine visualization SAGE codecs to be incorporated within the Japanese distance language space Key objectives: Build stereoscopic ‘portable’ mini-Virtual Environment Centre (, including UK biased DIY instructions Hardware stereoscopic integration within Access Grid nodes Software stereoscopic video codec multiplex integration within the vic data stream Archive and storage system for playback, evaluation and distributed analysis Based on proven metadata storage and retrieval capability - the RDF triplestore. Semantic Annotation of images and media, include in particular CoAKTinG and MiAKT. Front projected system, University of Manchester: ‘Intoxication’ 3D art installation, Karen Grainger SAGE: Real and Computer Generated Project Key Aims Creating a forum for exploiting skills and tools used within Virtual Environment Centres for the arts and humanities as well as the science and engineering communities within the Access Grid collaborative system. System Construction and Objectives