SC235 Unit Two Dr. Angela M. Foster AIM:
Agenda Food chains Food webs Bioaccumulation Ecological pyramids Unit Two -Discussion Board -Lab Project Two Q&A Image credit: Microsoft Clip Art
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Food chain Grass → Grasshopper → Toad → Snake → Hawk → Bacteria (decay) Autotrophs → Herbivores → Carnivores → Decomposers (Producers) (Primary (Secondary, Consumers) tertiary, etc. consumers) Image credit: Microsoft Clip Art
Food Web FOOD CHAIN (just one path of energy) FOOD WEB (everything is connected) Image credit: Science Bob
What is bioaccumulation? Image credit: Microsoft Clip Art
What is bioaccumulation? Bioaccumulation is the accumulation of substances, such as pesticides, or other organic chemicals in an organism. Bioaccumulation occurs when an organism absorbs a toxic substance at a rate greater than that at which the substance is lost. Image credit: Microsoft Clip Art (USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Program: Bioaccumulation)
Bioconcentration vs Bioaccumulation Bioconcentration is a related but more specific term, referring to uptake and accumulation of a substance from water alone. By contrast, bioaccumulation refers to uptake from all sources combined (e.g. water, food, air, etc.) These compounds are stored in the body's fat, and when the fatty tissues are used for energy, the compounds are released and cause acute poisoning. Image credit: Microsoft Clip Art (
Food Chain: Tracing Cadmium Water lily → Ducks → Wolves % Cd 0.05% Cd 0.39% Cd → → 0.12% = TOXIC! Image credit: Microsoft Clip Art
Discussion Board Comparing two populations (and their population pyramids) to determine which one is facing a crisis What leads to instability? Coming population explosion? Excellent PowerPoint in DocSharing to help you learn how to interpret a population pyramid Once you have established which population is in trouble and how you know it is in trouble, propose some government initiatives to deal with the crisis
Lab Project Two Using a coffee filter smeared with Vaseline to collect particulate matter in air so you can analyze the air quality of your area PowerPoint in DocSharing showing ideas on how to set up filter, where to put it, how to hang it, how to tack it to trees, and so forth This is a FOUR WEEK project so you MUST get started NOW!!
The Materials
Where do I put it?
But what if I live in a windy area?
Unit Two – What is Due? Hypothesis – Formalized Hypothesis due See document in DocSharing about how to write a Formalized Hypothesis First week of observations in Data Chart
Example of a Data Chart Date/TimeTempWeatherCondition of Filter Unique items stuck in filter Other comments
Questions? Image credit: Microsoft Clip Art