Practical advice for embedding ESDGC in: Commitment and Leadership Organisational Management Julie Hanson-Williams


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Presentation transcript:

Practical advice for embedding ESDGC in: Commitment and Leadership Organisational Management Julie Hanson-Williams

ESDGC is NOT: Recycling Fair Trade Tree-hugging! Providing answers Preaching!

What is ESDGC? ESDGC is not just about educating learners. It is not a separate subject. It does not just relate to teaching and learning! It DOES require an integrated, whole organisation approach.

Commitment and Leadership Holistic view: whole organisational and interconnected approach to join up all the common areas. ESDGC working group: Senior management involvement – strategic direction and vision. Regular meetings to discuss action plan: track and record progress; identify gaps and challenges. Share vision and involve staff, learners and other stakeholders.

Commitment and Leadership Policies: ESDGC, health and safety; equality and diversity; environmental legislation/regulations. Identify staff expertise; allocate time and resources (eg staff development) Key theme for awareness raising and training. Incorporate into annual SA and QDP

Organisational Management WBL: varied in terms of delivery models, size and estates. may have responsibility for own buildings/estates. at different stages in addressing ESDGC: Scope will vary from one organisation to another: may only need to adopt a lighter touch. self evaluation will help you understand your position. You don’t have to be performing well in everything: demonstrate awareness of strengths/areas for improvement; be honest and plan action to address gaps; develop a phased approach where appropriate; plan for continuous improvement.

Organisational Management Systems, policies and procedures to manage environmental impacts, eg: Sustainable procurement New build developments and refurbishments Energy management Waste management Travel plan/transport policy Healthy lifestyles/biodiversity Involving learners in decision-making process learner voice panels

Benefits reduced operating costs; improved environmental impacts; raised environmental awareness and responsibility of staff, learners and employers.

Useful Websites: Commitment and Leadership Organisational Management

PP4SD Swansea University A series of useful and practical workbooks aimed at sole-traders or managers of SMEs to help incorporate SD principles into everyday business activities: s/downloads.htm s/downloads.htm

The Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) Wales WAG’s independent advisory body on SD Contains case studies on best practice in Wales: es-promoting-best-practice- in-wales.html es-promoting-best-practice- in-wales.html

Green Dragon Green Dragon Environmental Management System (promoted by WAG):

Green Dragon – Levels The five levels of the Green Dragon Standard are: Level 1: Commitment to Environmental Management Level 2: Understanding Environmental Responsibility Level 3: Managing Environmental Impacts Level 4: Environmental Management Programme Level 5: Continual Environmental Improvement

Green Dragon – Level 1 Responsibility appoint "Environmental Champion”: co-ordinator for all environmental activities driving force behind environmental improvements Environmental Review audit activities and operations to identify environmental impacts and legal obligations. address specific environmental issues (Green Dragon Standard) Environmental Policy develop environmental policy guiding document for all future improvements. Improvement Plan prepare a plan to improve impact on environment. "Environmental Champion" to put plan into action and ensure that objectives set out in plan are achieved. Regular reviews to ensure that objectives are being achieved

NetRegs Free support to small businesses (also applies to WBL providers) on a range of environmental legislation: will help identify where you need to comply and currently may not. all current environmental legislation available to download.

Business Link Provides a self- assessment tool to assess environmental compliance and find out what you need to do to comply with environmental legislation.

Other Useful Websites promotes a structured, step-by-step approach and encourages a consistent, best practice approach to Procurement. Envirowise delivers a valuable government-funded programme of free, confidential advice to UK businesses. Enables companies to increase profitability and reduce environmental impact; there are tips and examples on how to reduce resource consumption as well as cutting costs WRAP, the Government funded waste reduction programme: helps individuals, businesses and local authorities to reduce waste and recycle more, making better use of resources and helping to tackle climate change; contains a wealth of useful resources to help cut waste and costs

Next steps ….. Evaluate current position

Evaluating your current position Group action-planning and feedback

Starting ESDGC self-assessment How are the principles of ESDGC reflected in your organisation? Commitment and Leadership Organisational Management Exercise 1: Commence evaluation/action planning

Checklist Key: Red Not yet started Orange Developing Green Developed and embedded N/A Not applicable – ie this does not apply to your organisation

Feedback and Questions